Saturday, December 9, 2006

Homoeopathic Books

Doctor Dorothy Shepherd: 'Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases' - she explains how effective and simple to use homeopathy is for contagious diseases.It's written in a very readable style with lots of anecdotes and humour.

These two books are absolutely essential readingfor those studying homeopathy.
Homeopathy in Accidents and Ailments by Dr Gibson a small, cheap and easy to use starter

A Materia Medica by eitherPhatak or BoerickeMore concise than Vermeulen or Murphy.(my preference is for Boericke, which also has a small repertory at the end)

Impossible Cure Amy Lansky PhdExcellent explanation of homeopathy alsohow her autistic son was cured

Any Modern and complete up to date repertory. This is such an individual choice I really recommend going to a homeopathic bookshop or looking at friends' repertories before deciding. Don't waste money on old out of date repertories (e.g. Kent's) unless you like that sort of thing

Select your Remedy by Bishamber DasThe book I turned to when learning homeopathy andI had to find a remedy in the middle of the night. More comprehensive than most Home user books.

Lilienthal's Homeopathic Therapeuticsa more comprehensive version of'Select your Remedy'

Phatak's Materia Medicaprobably the clearest and easiest to use'proper' materia medica

Materia Medicas by Vermeulen (Concordant or Prisma)or Murphy (Lotus)Excellent books.

Phatak's Repertoryconditions listed alphabeticallyfor students or the more advanced Home userGood for acutes - quick elimination method repertorising

Phatak's Repertoryconditions listed alphabeticallyfor students or the more advanced Home userGood for acutes -quick elimination method repertorising
There are many 'Home' prescriber homeopathy books, from well known authors such as Dr Lockie, Miranda Castro etc, but these are best examined personally before purchase

Clarke's 'prescriber'small, down to earth and easy to use, full of gems
Vithoulkas - The Science of homeopathyfor those thinking about further studyAuthoritative but don't take everything he says as gospel!

Vermeulen's Synoptic MM 1 + 2Clear concise Rx definitions
Gerhard KoehlerHandbook of homeopathy Its principles and practice.For those thinking about further study

Tapes by Ian Watsonthe quality isn't always brilliant but the content more than makes up for it. Tapes you will listen to again and again


Homeopathic preparations are extremely safe to take because of their highly diluted form. Nonetheless, frequent repetition of a dose without the advice of a professional is not recommended. Remedies should not be taken together with food because this might interfere with their absorption. Take them at least 30 minutes before or after eating or drinking and let them dissolve in the mouth. Your homeopath will give you more specific instructions if necessary.

Sometimes an initial worsening of your symptoms can occur. This initial aggravation is usually a good sign and signifies that your body is responding to the remedy. Although the physical symptoms might get worse for a short period of time, you as a whole will start to feel better almost immediately. The aggravation will subside quickly, followed by the recovery.


Unfortunately, in many countries alternative medicine is not covered by the health insurance system. Homeopathic remedies are comparatively inexpensive (a month's supply will cost you only a couple of US dollars or UK pounds) and the only major cost is to the practitioner. The first visit will be the most expensive one since much time (60 to 90 minutes) is devoted to the initial interview. Follow-up visits are shorter and comparatively infrequent, and are therefore also less expensive.

United States: 1st visit: $150-250+, follow-up: $50-$100
Australia: $30-50
United Kingdom: £30-60 £15-30
New Zealand: $50-90 $25-45


The key to finding the right homeopathic remedy is individualization. This means that the totality of all symptoms experienced by the patient (including those apparently unrelated to the main complaint) has to be known in order to prescribe the medicine. The mere name of a disease, like flu, cold, arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc. is not enough. For this reason, please refrain from asking the tempting question: "I have disease X -- which homeopathic remedy should I take?" In the course of a thorough interview (normally between 60 and 90 minutes, initially), the homeopath tries to form a complete picture of your current state. This includes your emotional, mental, and physical symptoms.
Many health food stores now offer prescription-free homeopathic remedies. They are frequently labeled with a disease name like "Diarrhea", "Head Ache", "Allergies", etc.. Since careful individualized matching of symptoms is necessary to find the correct remedy, these products rarely cure. Sometimes a temporary amelioration of symptoms can be achieved but in general you should not expect too much from these preparations.


A homeopathic remedy is normally a single substance usually derived from a plant, an animal, or a mineral which is then subjected to a special procedure which brings out the medicinal properties of the original substance. There are currently about 2000 substances whose specific effects on the body have been recorded. Examples are charcoal, salt, poison ivy, snake poisons, etc.
Homeopaths have discovered by experience that the effect of homeopathic medicines is strengthened dramatically upon successive dilutions and vigorous shaking between each dilution. The final dilution is very high (ranging from 1 part in 1000 to 1 part in 10^60 and above). It is this use of high dilutions that has given rise to controversy. Many conventional doctors claim that homeopathy functions only as a placebo. However, several controlled clinical studies have been performed by medical researchers, showing that homeopathy is an effective method of treatment for many diseases. The best summary of research can be found in a study published in the British Medical Journal. Its authors are not homeopaths but medical school professors asked by the Dutch government to review existing research: "Clinical Trials of Homeopathy.", Kleijnen, Jos, Knipschild, Paul, et al., British Medical Journal, Feb 9, 1991, v302, n6772, p516(8). Another, more recent, study showed that homeopathy is decidedly different in its action from a placebo and can be found in the Dec 20, 1994 issue of the British medical journal Lancet.
The degree of dilution is referred to as the "potency" of the remedy, with higher dilutions corresponding to higher potencies. The potency is denoted by a number and a letter on the label, such as "C6", "C12", "12X", etc. (higher numbers denote higher potencies). Homeopathic remedies are available in different preparations: tablets, liquids, and globuli (small white pellets). Tablets and globuli are made of impregnated milk sugar, whereas liquid preparations are solutions of the medication in water with some amount of alcohol added as a preservative.


Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that was founded in the early 19th century by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. It had its greatest popularity in the late 19th century, during which time about 15% of all medical doctors were homeopaths. In many other European countries this percentage was similar. However, with the advent of modern medicine, homeopathy was touted as "old and stodgy" by practitioners of conventional medicine and its popularity took a nosedive. This trend has reversed recently and since 1980 homeopathy is experiencing a strong resurgence of interest in the U.S., the U.K., as well as many other countries.

Homeopathy rests on the principle "Like Cures Like." This means that a disease can be cured by a medicine that is capable of producing symptoms similar to those experienced by the patient in a healthy person. Therefore the most important part of homeopathic treatment lies in the lengthy interview which the homeopath conducts with the patient in order to determine all the symptoms which the patient is experiencing. The homeopath then decides which medicine to prescribe based on the closest match between the patient's symptoms and the known symptoms elicited by the medicine in a healthy body.

Smoke Away - Stop Smoking Support Program - 3 Phase Kit SMOKE AWAY

No Nicotine * No Drugs * All Natural * Safe and EasySmoke Away is a Physician Developed, all natural, safe and easy way to help you quit smoking.With over 500,000 kits sold and thousands of successes, Smoke Away can give you the power to win the war against nicotine addiction.Finally quit smoking for good by fighting it on all fronts and killing cravings!What You Get With The Kit:FORMULA 1The all natural herbs in Smoke-Away Formula 1 work independently and synergistically so you can stay calm and comfortable in spite of the nasty withdrawal symptoms your body throws at you.For example:Passionflower helps promote calm, security and normal sleep Eleuthero fosters relaxation to counteract the effects of physical and emotional stressBayberry Root helps maintain a healthy immune system Echinacea Powder stimulates a feeling of well being and contentmentGinseng- Fosters relaxation, to counteract the effects of physical and emotional stressYou have to eliminate the nicotine from your body Nicotine residue actually triggers your body to want more of it Smoke Away works to literally wipe all traces of nicotine from your body with its all-natural ingredients Burdock Root cleanses your body of nicotine depositsGolden Seal Root cleanses your digestive tract of all traces of tobacco and nicotine.Bayberry Root helps maintain a healthy immune system. Hyssop cleanses your lungs,relieves congestion.FORMULA 2SMOKE-AWAY IS THERE IF THE URGE EVER COMES BACK! Even those who have successfully quit occasionally have temptations. But the Smoke-Away system keeps working. Formula 2 is a maintenance formula to fortify you so you don't fall back into the old habits.The all natural herbs and ingredients included in the Smoke-Away system do double duty to support your comfort and success.The result: what used to seem impossible now happens quickly and almost effortlessly!HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINESmoke Away includes a potent Natural Homeopathic Medicine specifically formulated to curb nicotine cravings and minimize the withdrawal symptoms that often make it so difficult, almost impossible, to stop smoking using other methods.Simply place three tablets under your tongue in the morning when you wake up, just as soon as you experience your first craving for a cigarette. As the tablets dissolve, they release their potent homeopathic medicine into your system, almost instantly curbing the cravings and making it easy to pass up that critical first cigarette.SUPPORT LITERATURE AND CDThe Smoke Away booklet and audio CD was created to provide valuable information about smoking, health concerns, and most importantly how you can become smoke free. You will be educated about the dangers of smoking and provided guidelines as to how you can quit smoking.The audio CD was created to give you encouragement and support, to get you through the tough times while you kick the smoking habit.FORMULA 1 USAGE DIRECTIONS:Contains 64 Tablets1. On your first night using Smoke Away, before retiring for the evening, take the recommended dosage of Formula 1. Take with 8 oz. of water (distilled works best) or milk and a light snack. Get a full nights rest.2. When you wake in the morning, repeat your dosage of Formula 1 with breakfast. Repeat this dosage again at lunch, and at dinner or bedtime. Continue to take three sets of capsules for three days.3. On the fourth day, assess your progress. If you are feeling good, then try reducing your dosage by one capsule. For example, if you've been taking three capsules three times a day, try reducing that to two capsules three times a day. If you have difficulty, then resume your normal dosage. Repeat the dosage that works for you on the fifth day as well.4. If on the sixth and seventh day you still feel fine, try reducing your dosage again. Do not reduce your dosage below one capsule three times a day.FORMULA 2 USAGE DIRECTIONS:Contains 14 TabletsFormula 2 is only to be used if necessary after completing Formula 1. If overcome with a prolonged urge to smoke, take 4 tablets 2 times a day as directed. This product should only be taken as needed.
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE USAGE DIRECTIONS:Contains 75 PeletsIf you have a craving for a cigarette, place up to three pellets of the Natural Homeopathic Medicine under your tongue. Do not exceed more than 3 dosages per day.
This product should only be taken as needed.More than 400,000 Americans die each year from tobacco-related disease. Proof enough that you need to stop smoking with the help of Smoke Away.

Homeopathic Medicine

Final Smoke Homeopathic Medicine uses natural ingredients to destroy terrible nicotine cravings where they begin.
It even cleans out the nicotine receptors in the brain, eliminating any pleasurable sensations you once got from smoking. Other ingredients help soothe the nerves and irritability that often accompany quitting, actually producing a sense of relaxation and tranquility.
It's packaged in an easy to use pellet-dispenser tubes, which deliver the exact dose every time while preventing spillage. Great while you're on the road.
General recommended dosage: 3 pellets under the tongue, 3 times a day until condition improves. For severe symptoms, the dose can be repeated hourly.
Each 4-gram pellet-dispenser tube contains about 25 doses (75 to 80 pellets)