Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bestselling New Book Vaccine Epidemic Released

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Bestselling Book, Vaccine Epidemic, Released Today

Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children.

An Amazon Reviewer Tells You Why to Read Vaccine Epidemic:

With the tone that has overwhelmed the media coverage of the debate over America's childhood vaccination program... it is a refreshing surprise to find a book that adopts an entirely different tone. Habakus and Holland, an activist/advocate and a legal scholar, edit a book that is calm, cool, and collected, as it makes the case for vaccination choice as a fundamental human right. The two editors bring together essays by attorneys, epidemiologists, scientists, historians, and others to illuminate all angles of this complex issue, including the historical basis for government-mandated vaccination, the U.S. and international legal framework that is at odds with current U.S. vaccine policy, and the science that shows just how far we are from being able to say that current U.S. vaccine policy is worth the risks it poses.

Habakus and Holland take a clear stand: they believe that parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate their children. However, they invite people who disagree with them to read the book--and given the tone of civil discourse with which the book's argument is imbued, this invitation should be accepted. America's childhood vaccination program is a matter of public policy whose time has come to revisit, and in light of the evidence marshaled by Habakus and Holland, to change.




Homeopathic Remedies for Chicken Pox

Homeopathic Remedies for Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is a common childhood viral illness. Many cases are mild; however, those that are uncomfortable can often be helped with homeopathy. Fatigue and low fever typically begin ten days to three weeks from the time of exposure.
A flat red rash comes out, transforms into pimples, then develops into blisters that eventually break and harden into itchy crusts.
If fever is very high and persistent, or if a person seems to be extremely ill, consult a licensed physician.
Antimonium tartaricum: This remedy may be indicated when eruptions are large and slow to emerge. The child feels sweaty, fussy, and may be nauseous with a white-coated tongue. If chest congestion with a rattling cough develops, or a bubbly sound on breathing, Antimonium tartaricum is likely to be the appropriate remedy.
Antimonium crudum: A child who needs this remedy usually is irritable and may object to being touched or looked at. The eruptions are sore, and touching them may bring on shooting pains.
Apis mellifica: When this remedy is indicated, the skin around the eruptions is pink and puffy and very itchy, with stinging pains. The eyelids may also be swollen. The person feels worse from warmth, is irritable, and usually is not thirsty.
Belladonna: This remedy is indicated when a child is hot and feverish, with a red flushed face, and eyes that are sensitive to light. A pounding headache may be felt, accompanied by either restlessness or drowsiness. The rash usually is red, with a feeling of heat and throbbing.
Bryonia: When fever persists for several days during chicken pox, and a dry nagging cough develops, this remedy may be useful. The person?s mouth is dry, with thirst for long cold drinks. The person may be very grumpy, feel worse from motion, and dislike being interfered with in any way.
Mercurius solubilis: This remedy may be indicated if eruptions are large and become infected. The child is very sensitive to temperature changes and feels worse at night. Perspiration and drooling during sleep, swollen lymph nodes, and offensive breath are strong indications for Mercurius.
Pulsatilla: A child who needs this remedy is often sweet and tearful when ill and wants a lot of attention and comforting. Itching and other discomforts are worse from warmth and in stuffy rooms, and improved by cool fresh air. The person is rarely thirsty, even during fever.
Rhus toxicodendron: This remedy is useful in cases of chicken pox with tremendous itching that is worse from scratching and relieved by warm baths or applying heat. The child may be very restless, both physically and mentally. The eyes may become inflamed and sticky. Muscles can ache and feel very stiff, also relieved by warmth and gentle motion. (Some homeopathic physicians recommend Rhus toxicodendron to people who have been exposed to chicken pox, to help prevent infection.)
Sulphur: If itching is so severe that the person finds it impossible to keep from scratching?or if eruptions have a nagging, burning pain?this remedy may bring relief. The symptoms (and the person) become worse from warmth and aggravated after bathing. Both heat and chills are felt during fever. The person may feel drowsy in the afternoon and restless and hot at night.
Urtica urens: Eruptions with stinging, burning pain and itching may be relieved by this remedy. Symptoms are aggravated by exertion and from overheating.