Friday, December 8, 2006

Homeopathy: How to Quit Smoking?

As a holistic form of therapy, homeopathy treats your health as a whole rather than focusing on a particular body part. It is a method of healing that provides a "spark" for your body to start your own healing process. It works through the principle that "like cures like," meaning that a substance that could cause symptoms in large amounts can heal you in small doses. Because every body is individual – and people experience different withdrawal symptoms – various remedies are available.
Below is a small list of remedies that might help you on your quest to quit. Visit a homeopath, naturopath or a knowledgeable health products store for more details. Remember, this list is for information only, and should not be construed as medical advice.
Nux Vomica is useful for congestion, cough, tiredness, and cravings for tobacco.

Plantago Major helps to reduce tobacco cravings.

Staphysphagria helps with cravings, insomnia and irritability.

phoenix's 8-step stop smoking programmes - 80% success rate!

As an ex-smoker herself, Sarah Whittaker knows how hard it can be to quit, and is delighted to help anyone who has made a firm decision to quit. Phoenix homeopathy has put together two tried and tested homeopathic programmes to help patients to quit smoking. Choose programme 1 if you currently smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day, or programme 2 if you currently smoke 20+ cigarettes a day.
Of the patients who have tried it, 80% found it helped them to quit smoking successfully within four weeks. The programme is a package of in-depth consultations, with prescriptions of several homeopathic remedies which are tailor-made for the individual patient, and are designed to:
Support the lungs through the withdrawal period, and beyond
Stimulate disgust for smoking, tobacco and nicotine, so that smoking loses its appeal
Reduce the desire for stimulants like cigarettes (and coffee or alcohol, if the patient wishes to stop or reduce the amount they drink, to make quitting easier)
Boost the liver's cleansing action and so initiate a 'spring clean'
Ease cigarette cravings, specially tailored to the individual feelings that the particular patient suffers when withdrawing or going without tobacco for any period of time (for example, remedies to ease stress, irritability, feelings of being deprived, or tearfulness )
Boost confidence, as social smoking can often be linked to feelings of anxiety.
The programmes also include energetic flower essences to help you to brush away the past and make a fresh start , and to help to strengthen and maintain your commitment to quitting. Flower essences to reduce any tendency you may have to self-sabotage good intentions are also included.
Simple core energy management techniques are taught as part of the package, as well as an incredibly easy way of encouraging your system to welcome and embrace change: the first step to replacing a negative habit with a positive one.
Simple and effective affirmations may also be suggested for you, and the programmes include help with forward planning so that you can learn to avoid your usual smoking triggers.

Phoenix's stop smoking programmes cost £150, including two consultations (the first up to 1hr45min, the other 45min long), and all homeopathic remedies and flower essences required. Payment can be made in two instalments. The programmes can be tailored to help withdrawal from other substances, such as recreational drugs, alcohol, coffee, sugar, etc:


It has been humorously said by comedians, "Stopping smoking is easy; I've stopped ten times in the past year alone." People can stop smoking, but the problem is that they often start again.
Smoking is not just a physical addiction but also a social addiction. One can be physically addicted to nicotine, and one can also be addicted to the image of themselves as a smoker.
The unique benefits that homeopathic medicines provide is that they can strengthen a person's overall constitution so that they are not only less physically addicted to tobacco but that they feel stronger emotionally, thus feel less socially addicted to what smoking represents to them.
For the best and deepest results, it is recommended to see a professional homeopath who will prescribe a "constitutional remedy" for the person. This remedy has the potential of an overall strengthening a person, physically and psychologically. Some homeopaths may also prescribe homeopathic doses of TABACUM (usually 6x or 12x) to help the person eliminate tobacco from their body and help reduce cravings for it. Some homeopaths also prescribe CALADIUM (arum root) in either 3x or 6x to help the person develop a distaste for tobacco.
Generally, homeopaths recommend that a person take TABACUM and/or CALADIUM whenever they have a desire for a cigarette, though they recommend stopping such treatment if improvement is not noticed within 10 days.
Finally, there are homeopathic combination remedies for helping to stop smoking that are available at many health food stores. These remedies include several homeopathic ingredients, each of which is known to either help detoxify from tobacco, aid in creating a distaste for tobacco, or help strengthen the person emotionally.
Although homeopathic medicines work most effectively when they are individually prescribed, many people who take these homeopathic combination remedies experience positive results. Such remedies might be considered as a first effort, while professional homeopathic care might be considered when you want more precision and more significant results.
The best time to stop smoking was after that first cigarette, but the second best time to stop is...right now. Homeopathic medicines provide one more tool to help you do so.

Acne - Homeopathic Treatment

Acne usually subsides after adolescence, but may last into middle age. Scarring may occur if severe acne is not treated. Some people, especially teenagers, can become significantly depressed if it is not treated. Homeopathic treatment has very encouraging results in acne and pimples and gives relief in long term. Moreover all medications are natural, safe, gentle and very effective. Homeopathic treatment is strongly recommended for patients who are desperately looking for an effective remedy. With homoeopathic medicines, also take the following self-care steps to lessen the effects of acne:

Clean your skin gently with a mild soap removing all dirt or make-up. Wash many times a day with plain water.
Try not to squeeze, scratch, pick, or rub the pimples. Although it might be tempting to do this, it can lead to scarring and skin infections.
Avoid touching your face with your hands or fingers.
Identify and avoid anything that aggravates pimples. Your triggers may include foods, lotions, or make-up.
Avoid greasy cosmetics or creams. Look for water-based or "non-comedogenic" formulas. Take make-up off at night.

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Vulgaris

Antimonium tartaricum: This remedy may be helpful for acne with large pustules that are tender to touch, with bluish-red marks that remain on the skin after active infection has passed. The person may be irritable, with low resistance to illness.

Calcarea carbonica: If a person with frequent pimples and skin eruptions is chilly with clammy hands and feet, easily tired by exertion, and flabby or overweight, this remedy may help improve the skin’s resistance to infection. People who need this remedy are often very anxious when overworked, and have cravings for sweets and eggs.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy may be indicated when the skin is easily infected, slow to heal, and painful eruptions like boils appear. The pimples are very sensitive to touch and slow to come to a head; eventually, offensive-smelling pus may form. A person who needs Hepar sulph is usually chilly, sensitive to cold in any form, and feel irritable and touchy.

Pulsatilla: This remedy can be helpful if acne is worse from eating rich or fatty foods, and aggravated by warmth or heat. It is indicated especially around the time of puberty, or when acne breaks out near menstrual periods. The person often has a fair complexion and is inclined toward soft emotions and moodiness, feeling worse in warm or stuffy rooms and better in fresh air.

Silicea (also called Silica): A person with deep-seated acne along with a general low immune resistance, swollen lymph nodes, and a tendency toward fatigue and nervousness may benefit from this remedy. Infected spots are slow to come to a head, and also slow to resolve, so may result in scarring. A person who needs this remedy is generally very chilly, but inclined to sweat at night.

Sulphur: Itching, sore, inflamed eruptions with reddish or dirty-looking skin often indicate a need for Sulphur. Itching may be worse from scratching, and worse from any form of heat—especially bathing or washing. Individuals who need this remedy are often inclined toward convoluted mental notions and tend to give order and neatness a low priority.

Homeopathic Medicines for acne

Belladonna: It is very useful in an acute flare-up where pus formation hasn’t started and acne is red and fiery looking. 30c potency of belladonna taken internally 3-4 times a day can be used to treat this acute stage.

Pulsatilla: It is often the most indicated medicine in the treatment of acne in girls. Acne associated with menstrual abnormalities are often best treated with pulsatilla. It is strongly indicated in a mild, yielding and sensitive personality with a weeping disposition.

Sulphur: No other medicine is more effective than sulphur, and covers nearly all kinds of acne. Dirty unhealthy skin and abuse of cosmetics are leading indication for its use. It is very useful in stopping the recurrence of pimples. Sulphur is a very deep acting medicine and should be used only in consultation with an experienced homoeopath.

Hepar sulph: Hepar sulph. is very appropriate for treating acne that has an easy tendency to develop into pustules (filled with pus), also where acne is very painful to touch.

Silicea (also called Silica): It is often indicated in cases of long-standing acne along with general low resistance and is often used for its scar-dissolving properties.

Developing a natural resistance towards acne: Once the acute flare-ups have been attended to, one would like a natural resistance towards acne. A thorough constitutional treatment by an experienced homoeopath would do the needful


Permanent cure for pimples

Let’s take the big question head-on. Does homoeopathic treatment give permanent relief from those recurrent pimples? The answer is a big yes, but the treatment is quite different from the conventional ones. Homoeopaths realise the truth in skin disorders. All forms of pimples (acne) are due to an internal disorder, Thus the usage of external application does not yield permanent results. Internal homoeopathic medication is often the best natural option to stop the recurrence of acne and that too without side-effects. Medically speaking too, acne results out of an internal disorder. It is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the skin’s oil glands (sebaceous glands), which leads to plugged pores and the outbreak of lesions commonly called pimples or acne. They usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. An important causative factor is an increase in hormones called androgens (male sex hormones). These increase in both boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum (oil). Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne.
Another factor is heredity or genetics. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. For example, studies have shown that many school-age boys with acne have a family history of the disorder. Certain drugs, including androgens and lithium, are known to cause acne. Greasy cosmetics may alter the cells of the follicles and make them stick together, producing a plug.
The following factors also influence the growth of acne: Changing hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women two to seven days before their menstrual period starts; friction caused by leaning on or rubbing the skin pressure from backpacks, or tight collars; environmental irritants such as pollution and high humidity; squeezing or picking at blemishes, hard scrubbing of the skin, etc.

Acne and homeopathy

Homeopathy can be very effective in treating acne, as well as safe and easy-to-use, with minimal risk of side effects. There is an increasing body of scientific evidence which confirms the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, and growing number of people find relief from acne symptoms using this natural form of treatment.
From the homeopathic point of view, using chemical exfoliants such as salicylic acid or antibiotics to deal with acne simply masks the symptoms and can prevent the body from healing. Homeopathic Anti-Acne Formula from Sympathical Formulas includes key remedies to help stimulate the body's natural response to acne. However, for best results, a homeopathic constitutional remedy must be prescribed -- one that takes into consideration all of your symptoms, mental and emotional as well as physical.

Use Proven, All-Natural Homeopathic Remedies and Get Rid of Your Acne for Good

Homeopathy Offers All-Natural, Effective Acne Treatments

One of the things I discovered as a young adult is that diet holds a key to health, inside and out. When I cut out soda and excess sugar, and started incorporating loads of fresh fruits and veggies into my diet, my skin cleared up considerably. So I heartily encourage my acne-prone clients to review their diets and make changes if they tend to eat lots of sugar, soda, or processed foods. Further, because chronic acne tends to be a signal of greater imbalance in the body, I always encourage people to pursue constitutional homeopathy with a goal of restoring optimum balance to internal systems. However, for occasional or acute acne flare-ups, many of my friends, family members, and clients have had great success using the homeopathic remedies of Sulphur, Kali Bromatum, Pulsatilla, and Causticum. While one remedy might work best for one person, another remedy might be more in alignment with another person's overall bodily systems. So it's very important to take a detective-like approach when understanding what works best for you. Try one remedy and note how it works. If the symptoms remain, then try the next suggested remedy. Continue like this until you have found the suggested remedy that works for you. Further, you do not need to keep taking homeopathic remedies once the symptoms have disappeared. Because remedies work by stimulating the body to heal itself, the body does not require ongoing homeopathic medication. Often only one-to-three doses is all it takes. Later, if you experience another acne flare-up, put yourself through another round of remedies. Finally, it is my firm belief that topical application of remedies works far better and more quickly than oral remedies -- particularly for a skin- or muscle-based condition. When seeking the right remedy or combination of remedies for acne treatment, look for topically applied remedies for best results.

Homeopathic Acne Medicine

Homeopathy is an alternative science that looks at the cause of a disease to battle it. It is not accepted by many mainstream scientists and doctors but is claimed by many to be a very effective and healing treatment. Homeopathy claims to have medicines for almost all ailments and acne is one of them. Conventional drugs frequently produce side effects, because they work by stifling symptoms. Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, eases symptoms by putting a body's system into proper equilibrium. Since Homeopathic medicine supports the body's own resistance, it does not cause any side effects. Most of homeopathic medicine uses natural products to tackle the ailment.

Homeopathy offers a few solutions for acne and pimples. Homeopathic acne gel is the most commonly used among these. The gel is applied onto the acne-affected area and kept on for a period of time. Another type of homeopathy acne medicine is a chewable tablet. These tablets counter act oil secreting glands and help reduce pimples and acne that result from oily skin. Homeopathy also offers a lot of creams and ointments that attack acne. Contrary to conventional creams, they do not cause problems to those who have sensitive skins.

Although there are many homeopathic doctors treating acne and many acne-affected people using the treatments, mainstream doctors and scientists have ruled out the effectiveness of these remedies to cure acne. There is quite a debate as to whether homeopathic medicines can really cure acne. Although many users of homeopathy medicine will vouch for the efficiency its effects, they also admit that it is extremely slow at its work.

Complementary and Alternative Acne Treatments

Homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy refers to a system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a drug. In massive doses, the drug is expected to produce symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease itself. Homeopathic professionals evaluate the individual (their physical, emotional and intellectual makeup) before prescribing a treatment. While homeopathy has not had the benefit of many scientific studies, professional homeopaths have found that certain homeopathic treatments reduce certain symptoms of acne. Homeopathic remedies include:

Belladonna works best for people who are experiencing “hot” areas on their face or those who have pus-filled acne blemishes.

Calendula is used to treat pus-filled blemishes or blisters.

Hepar sulphur is useful for pus-filled blemishes that are painful.

Kali bromatum is used for deep acne blemishes, especially those on the forehead.

Silicea is used for deep, pus-filled acne blemishes.

Biogetica Acne Kit

The Biogetica Acne Kit is a unique blend of homeopathic and ayurvedic medicines which helps in treatment of Acne in its various forms such as acne simplex, rosacea, pustulosa, and nodulosa.

The Biogetica Acne kit contains :C1 which is a remarkable therapy for acne because it works on a cellular, mental and energetic level to:* Regulate oil glands to a optimal glow * Cleanse toxins from the skin surface * Regulate bacteria in the skin cells * Clean impurities from the blood* Balance digestive function * Skinelle Tablets are Charak Pharma's ayurvedic medicines used for the treatment of acne. This product is known to reduce the tendency to acne whilst simultaneously healing the existing lesions; thereby, restoring the smooth and clear complexion of the skin. T29 Immune Enhancement Liquescence acts as an antibiotic, checks hormonal imbalances and prevents scar tissue formation.

The right way of homoeopathic treatment.

Pimple or Acne is a small red pustule.In medical language, the pimple is called acne. Pimples are chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous gland. The most common symptoms are oiliness and greasiness of skin.The pimples can be mild, with only a few lesions or moderately severe with great inflammatory or very severe, producing disfigurement of the skin.It may involve any hair bearing areas of the body, but the face, shoulders, back and chest are commonly involved probably because these areas have the maximum number of sebaceous glands. There are various types of acne. The most common form is acne vulgaris.The condition is triggered by hormonal changes at puberty.With the onset of puberty, there is increase in the size of the sebaceous gland ,with concomitant increase in the amount of the sebum. WHAT CAUSES PIMPLES ? There are several reasons. Let’s look at them one by one. CLOGGING OF PORES: When the sebaceous glands produce extra sebum, clogging may occur, leading to acne. If the sebum remains clogged in the follicle opening,it hardens and becomes dark, forming small plugs called blackheads. In some cases, hair follicles are sealed by an excess of keratin, the tough, fibrous protein that is produced by the skin cell.When this happens, the trapped sebum hardens into small white lumps, called white heads, under the surface of the skin. Acne that starts at puberty is thought to be the result of oversensitivity to an androgen (male sex hormones), which are present in both boys and girls. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and increase their output of sebum
GENETIC FACTORS: Disposition to pimples is probably inherited in a large number of families.
CLIMATE: Increasing exposure to sunlight and over sweating usually increases the pimples.
AIR POLLUTION: Outdoor pollutants like car exhausts and industrial fumes or indoor pollution like dust and cigarette smoke can be the cause. When these pollutants get mixed with the oily layer on your skin, you may get new pimples.
STRESS: Acne may become worse in time of stress.It is quite common for students, especially girls to say that their pimples worsen just before and during examinations. BAD EATING
HABIT: It`s often said that bad eating habits can result in acne.It is commonly believed that certain foods may exacerbate acne. Choclates,nuts,fast food, Cola drinks,fried foods,high fat and carbohydrates.
DANDRUFF: Dandruff may also result in pimples on the forehead,chin,nose,back.You need to treat dandruff with good shampoo to clear your face.
MAKEUP: Don’t forget to remove makeup with cleansers.
COSMETICS: Foundation creams, moisturizers, greasy oily cosmetics preparations definitely make the acne worse. The reason is very simple. In acne,patient skin is already very oily and greasy and the use of oily cosmetics will make it worse.
TOPICAL AGENTS: Some popular brand and add products on the T.V, for treatment of pimples may contain acnegenic substances which may cause the pimples worse. Some hair oil or herbal preparation may aggravate the acne
SELF-HELP: Following these simple self- help measure may help clear up acne and prevent further reoccurrence..
1.Do not pick or squeeze your pimples and skin.If not tampered with, most of these pimples will become.absorbed and will disappear by themselves.
2. Wash your face twice a day with warm,but not hot water and mild cleanser.
3. Do not eat foods which from your own experience, you know will make acne worse.
4. Do not apply any greasy cosmetics such as cold creams.
5. Shampoo your hair as often as necessary to eliminate the grease and dandruff.
6. Oiling the hair will aggravate your pimples.
7. Try to control constipation.The best way is by diet of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water.
8. Get enough sleep.Late hours night watching,make acne worse.
9 .Do exercise,preferably in the open air.
10. Learn to relax. In your spare time get absorbed with your hobbies.
11. Acne responds slowly to the medicine treatment .
It does not respond immediately and best result will come with in a four to six weeks time. Do only one treatment at a time.
HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT Homoeopathic physician treats the patient not the disease.Acne is not the external problem of the face. But the disorder is lying inside the body. Homoeopathic medicines are selected on the totality of symptoms of the body.These medicines helps in the permanent eradication of pimples and their scars also.

Homeopathic approach towards acne and pimples

Homeopathic approach - Treating skin disorders is very tough, since it is the outer most part of the body and also often exposed to irritants or pollutants or frictions which hinder the action of drugs. Also recurrence is common in skin disorder, pimples being no exception. Recurrence often produces permanent scarring. In case of pimples, the habit of picking, pinching, rubbing also hinder the curing process and add infection. Also, when the cure is not in the proper way, the disease often repeats and becomes tendency.

Homoeopathic treatment can give permanent relief to recurrent pimples. The early you treat, you get speedier and complete cure without any scar. All forms of pimples are due to an internal disorder, so the usage of external application does not yield permanent results, since it usually suppresses the condition. The tendency to erupt or break into pimples is in the body, not just in the face. So it cannot be cured with ointments. In fact, it is better to avoid topical applications as far as possible. You can notice this with people often using fairness creams which help the skin only as long as it is used. If they discontinue the usage, it will become worse than before.

Some people relate pimples to heat, sleep, hairy constitution, more sweat, more sebum secretion and they try to eliminate it and treat for these symptoms. But whatever may be the reason or reaction, if we get energised or gain immunity, the disease will not affect us.

Internal Homeopathy medicine is often the best natural option to stop recurrence of acne by raising natural resistance towards it without side-effects. The correct direction of cure is not like shutting off at one go. It will slowly come down in occurrence, size, intensity and duration. If we suppress it with ointments or external applications or steroids, it goes off immediately but will again flare up after gaining force. After taking homeopathic medicine, the disease will not vanish but recur with less intensity and for a shorter duration without pain and disturbance. It will also heal fast and finally fade. This is the right direction for safest and permanent cure.

Medicines commonly used for acne are - Belladonna, Beri Beri Aq, Oleum jac, Acid nit, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Hepar sulph, Bacillinum, Kali Brom, Pyrogen, Art Vul, Calc phos, Lycopodium, Staphysagria, Carbo animalis, Thuja, Anti crud, Calc carb, silicea, Graphites, Sulphur, Nat mur, etc. These medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.

Acne, Pimples - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines

Acne, Pimples - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines

#Sulphur [Sulph]Is perhaps the remedy most often indicated in this affection, especially if chronic. The skin is rough and hard and the acne is associated with comedones and constipation; great aggravation from water is the characteristic leading to Sulphur in skin affections. The acne punctata is the variety corresponding most nearly to Sulphur. Simple forms yield to Belladonna or Pulsatilla. Acne rosacea yields to Arsenicum iodatum or Sulphur iodide.

#Sanguinaria [Sang]Is another useful remedy in acne, especially in women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood. Other remedies for acne dependent on sexual disturbances of women are Calcarea carbonica and Aurum muriaticum natronatrum.
#Kali bromatum []produces an acne on the face, neck and shoulders. We frequently find an acne in Epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides. This remedy is especially adapted to the acne simplex and the acne indurata, especially in hyperaesthetic, nervous females, and the late Dr. Martin Deschere loudly praised it. Since Kali bromatum has been found a useful remedy in sexual excesses it will be especially a remedy in acne due to that cause. Dr. J.H.Clarke says, "I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali bromatum 30," and the late Dr.A.M. Cushing recommended Arsenicum bromatum 4x as very efficacious.Thuja is one of our best remedies for acne facialis. Calcarea picrata is also a useful remedy for acne; clinically it has been found one of the good remedies. Calcarea sulphurica is indicated where the pimples suppurate.

#Antimonium crudum [Ant.c]Small red pimples on face, acne in drunkards with gastric derangements,thirst and white-coated tongue. Antimonium tartaricum. Obstinate cases, with tendency to pustulation, are curable with this remedy. Berberis aquifolium is useful where the skin is rough and the acne persistent. Natrum muriaticum acts especially on the sebaceous glands, and is a very helpful remedy in acne.In this affection attention must be directed especially to the patient's type, temperament and tendencies and the general symptoms are far mores important than the local ones.

Acne Relief

Clears & Treats Existing Acne PimplesHelps Prevent New Acne Pimples from Forming
Homeopathic Medicine is a safe treatment alternative for most minor ailments. Sympton relief is attained through stimulation of the natural healing process. Precise levels of homeopathic ingredients work safely and without side effects.
All natural ingredients
No alcohol
No side effects
No drowsiness
Advanced formulations
Made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Dosage: Adults chew one tablet slightly and allow to dissolve in the mouth 4 times daily for one week, then take twice daily for as long as needed. It is helpful to drink at least 4, 8 ounce glasses of water each day. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
As with any drug if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health care professional before using this product.

Enjoy Great Skin Through Homeopathy

Enjoy Great Skin Through HomeopathyAcne and Acne scar remains the most common problem among people irrespective of their age. Teenagers though face more consistent eruptions of acne people in their middle and old age are more prone to allergies and skin infections. Overall age is quite irrelevant when it comes to treating acne and scars.

Acne is common and quite recurring, which makes people to opt for natural remedy to cure them. Conventional medicines have their own side effects and therefore people are more receptive to safe and natural options. Homeopathy treatment for acne is safe, natural and effective. Acne and skin problem varies from person to person and so is the homeopathy remedy for them. We here discuss few effective homeopathy remedies for treating acne and skin related infections and allergies.

Remedies to Treat Eczema HomeopathyIn Eczema homeopathy is a skin irritation mostly red, flaky skin and at times the skin may have cracks or tiny blisters. It is extremely itchy, but scratching might damage the sensitive skin and aggravate the problem so it is important for people with eczema to avoid scratching the area.Eczema is believed to hold a very special place in classical homeopathy. Hahnemann refers it as the unseen inner disease. Eczema can be considered as a disease that is trying to cure itself i.e. our skin repairing system that replaces the dead skin with new ones over a period of time but getting stuck in the middle. The task of homeopathy in eczema is to assist this process and thereby reduce the disease.

Uses of SiliceaThis is one of the frequently used remedies for eczema, Silicea when processed as a remedy acts splendidly on several disorders. Silicea has positive benefit and effect on skin related diseases like eczema.

Staphysagria This is extremely effective remedy to treat skin related diseases, it has broad spectrum of action on brain and body. Eczema patients are administered with Staphysagria for getting relief from the irritation.

Graphites These are prepared from mineral carbon or black lead. After the transformation as a homeopathy remedy it has wide utility. It positively influences skin and therefore used as a remedy for eczema.

PetroleumThe remedy is prepared from crude rock oil, after processing it is transformed into a remedy that is used for the treatment of a number of conditions. Petroleum has positive influences the skin and mucus membranes. It is commonly administered for eczema where the skin becomes dry, rough, thickened and cracked.

LycopodiumLycopodium is one of the brilliant remedies available in homoeopathy it is prepared from the club moss (fungus). After undergoing the process in homeopathy the unknown remedial potential of this fungus are brought out and it is changed to an effective remedy.It is prescribed for chronic eczemas where the skin becomes excessively dry and rough because of itching.

MezereumThis is prescribed for people who have deep anxiety, which may lead to eruptions of blisters and itching. The itching and blisters are symptoms of eczema and therefore Mezereum is prescribed to them.

OthersOther treatment for eczema available in homeopathy is Calendula, which is used more topically in form of gel, lotion or tincture. It relaxes and soothes the skin from irritation and itching.

Homeopathy for Acne ScarsScars are the most dreadful effects of acne and therefore the remedy to treat scars become a must for people with such scars.

Kali bromatumIt is high in demand to treat scars, acne that are most likely to occur during puberty and during periods are treated using the remedy.

SeleniumThis is needed for skins elasticity and it has anti-oxidant property that is effective treatment for scars caused by acne and allergies.

Hepar SulphurHepar sulphur is excellent treating large, pus-filled acne, which is painful and sensitive. It reduces the scars and relieves the skin from pain and marks effectively.

Homeopathy Treatment For Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders and has many names to its nomenclature. You know acne with names such as pimples, zits, cysts and blackheads.Now this acne mainly occurs due to the clogged pores in the skin by extra secretions of oil content. It is generally non-life threatening but an embarrassing those afflicted by it. There are many ways to cure acne of which some are prescription drugs, diet management, naturo-herbal remedies and non-allopathy methods like homeopathy, Ayurvedic and accupunture.

Homeopathic remedies for acne may cure most types of acne but may not be as successful against some types of complex acne. The reason being homeopathic doctors try to treat the whole human body instead of the specific ailments.Homeopathy does not concentrate only on topical medicines such as gels, creams or ointments for treating acne. Instead, it believes in treating your acne case from the total perspective. Its total perspective includes knowing your detailed medical history and treating each case as an individual case. The homeopathic treatment for two peculiar acne conditions may vary greatly. The homeopathic treatment believes in gently treating you from the root cause of the problem.Under homeopathic treatment, acne and pimples are dried up first and only then it focuses on reducing the number of existing acne and related symptoms. The treatment will definitely help you clear up the skin texture.Homoeopathic way of healing pimples is quit different from allopathic system. It works to stimulate your body's capacity to heal the acne. These remedies act as a major trigger for your body's healing forces. A homeopathic practitioner studies the subject's medical history thoroughly and only then prescribes the treatment.Thus in conclusion homeopathic treatment for skin ailments such as acne are more effective than most allopathic treatments available. And with lesser side effects indeed!

Acne Treatment ClearAc Medicated Skin Wash

Clear Acne Medicated Skin Cleanser is an effective wash to cleanse acne prone skin. Contains Calendula, known to prevent bacterial growth that spreads acne. Proper cleansing is an important step to heal problem skin.Washes away the bacteria that causes pimples, acne, blackheads, oily skin and problem teen skin. Clear Ac with Calendula offer a safe alternative antibacterial solution to prescriptions and side effects. Generous 4 fluid oz bottle. Use regularly for best results and with ClearAc tablets.
Acne Treatment with ClearAc Tablets
Clear Acne is a natural choice for teen or adult acne, pimples and skin blemishes. Safe for all ages with no prescription or side effects. Includes homeopathic: Echinacea Ang 6X to clear infected and inflamed pimples; Berberis vulg 6X for painful eczema; acne with brownish spots, rough skin; Sulphur Iod 6X for moist eruptions, lichen planus, itching break outs; Hepar Sulphur 6X for teen acne. 50 tablets. May take 1 tablet every 30 minutes to help clear the face quickly before a special night out. Get an extra bottle so you don't get caught short. Use regularly for best results and with ClearAc Cleanser.

Homeopathic Treatment for Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin disorders. It leaves scars on skin that go much deeper than the skin. Acne not just affects individual?s skin but also scars his vital self image. Homeopathy offers a good remedy to overcome acne which is effective for both teenagers and adults.

A well formulated homeopathic acne combination product may correct an acne problem but it may not be very effective for complex acne cases. Generally homeopathic doctors look at patient's total health picture. To find the underlying causes of acne condition, they match other health problems to the appropriate homeopathic formula which may provide a vital connection
Homeopathy considers acne to be a symptom of a deeper issue. It does not concentrate on treating just the skin surface using topical gels, creams or ointments on acne. It treats you not just a simple acne case but looks at you from both inside and. Homeopathy believes in complete and gentle healing and for this purpose it concentrates on your complete medical history.

Homeopathy provides several natural and effective remedies to acne sufferers. By undergoing homoeopathic treatment, you will notice a drying up of pimples and reduction in the number of existing acne. Other associated symptoms like pain, burning and itching will also go away. Besides, you will see the improvement in skin texture.

The external eruption that we see is sign of the internal disorder of the body. Therefore acne should not be treated by applying creams and ointments on skin surface only. Instead, this skin disorder should be treated holistically. Homoeopathic system attempts to stimulate the body's own natural healing capacity with Homoeopathic remedies acting as a trigger for the body's own healing forces.

Homeopaths not only examine patient's skin thoroughly but also ask their hobbies, likes and dislikes, temperament, the quality of sleep etc. Indicators such as the patient's personal circumstances are all considered important.

The consultation may include an evaluation of the three homeopathic indications:
stature, build, complexion and stamina

mental indications such as a tendency to be anxious or irritable characteristics of the acne problem.

When you start taking the prescribed homeopathic medicines, at first, you will notice a temporary outbreak in your symptoms. This is the sign that the treatment of treating like with like is working.

After some time you will start noticing encouraging signs of an improvement. The texture of your skin will improve and roughness, itchiness and redness will be noticeably decreased. The burning sensations will be considerably less. Over a period of months, your complexion and skin condition will keep improving continually.
Discover the Fastest Way to Cure Acne

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