Tuesday, April 12, 2011

sulphur to cure hair loss and hair fall

"Sulphur has become a popular nutritional supplement and topical treatment, thanks to methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM (MSM is the organic form of sulphur). In the book, The Miracle of MSM, by Drs. Stanley Jacob and Ronald Lawrence, they state that MSM is considered to be safe with no chance of overdose. They state that even after years of taking more than 2,000 mg of MSM each day, patients showed no sign of toxicity. That’s because as a water-soluble mineral, any excess MSM not used by the body is quickly flushed out.
READ MORE>>>>Whole Hair: Sulphur For Beautiful Hair:

A Sulphur deficiency can certainly cause hair loss because sulphur plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair and has been used to improve hair growth from times back. It is believed that a substantial dose of sulphur rejuvenates and revives hair, making it grow longer faster.

Sulfur is called nature's 'beauty mineral,' because it keeps the skin smooth and youthful, and the hair glossy. Sulphur provides the right amount of growth nutrients that will help to keep your hair, skin and nails looking their very best. In fact, having the right amount of sulfur in your diet will not only help to keep your hair thick and healthy it can also add shine and luster."

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