Monday, May 2, 2011

Disappointment in Love And Homeopathy

We hear a lot that love is a disease, which has no cure, but there is certainly cure of disease caused by disappointment of love with help of homeopathy and we should not ignore it. I would explore this further with a false case.

A young female got disappointment in love and after some time started to have night cough mainly while lying down.

Phosphoric Acid was most indicated medicine for this female and such females. If no permanent cure of symptoms then Hyoscyamus Niger was second line homeopathic medicine and strongly indicated if this female or such females started to behave strangely i.e. laughing alternating with being in rage/in despair, in melancholy, jerking of any body parts, or even had started to have epileptic episode then Hyoscyamus Niger would help this female and such female to resolve her all problems caused by disappointment in love.

Many other medicines including Ignatia, Nat. Mur, Calc.Phos, Aurum, Lach, Cimicifuga, Antim Crud, Cactus, etc if indicated by other peculiar characteristics of the female.

If this cough was not treated with appropriate homeopathic treatment then she and such females can develop severe sneezing episodes at night and morning. Helleborus Niger would be most indicated medicine for her night cough and night sneezing and morning sneezing.

After some time this female/such females can develop itchy eyes and skin itching too along with all symptoms mentioned above and now her symptoms complex wants to Sulphur.

The sickness can progress further and she can develop night nasal obstruction and nasal poly and now this female and such females need Calcarea Carb.

Sickness can progress further and she can develop urticaria, which should be treated with Sepia.

This lady can develop breathlessness along with other symptoms of episodic asthmatic attack and bronchitis needing Kali Carb.

If this female or such females do not get appropriate homeopathic medicine they would develop disease such as emphysema, cardiomegaly, cor pulmonale and so on.

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