Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Homoeopathic treatment of mosquito bites

A randomised, placebo controlled clinical trial was recently conducted to examine the efficacy of a homeopathic after-bite gel in providing symptomatic relief of mosquito bites. Sixty-eight healthy volunteers were bitten under laboratory conditions by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes at three spots on the forearm. One bite was treated with the homoeopathic after-bite gel, another bite with a placebo gel, which was identical in appearance and smell to the homoeopathic after-bite gel, and the third bite remained untreated and was used as a control.
Immediately after the bites and at 1,3,6, 26 and 31 hours afterwards, the length and width of the erythema were measured with a calliper, and photographs were also taken of the bite sites. The extent of itching was assessed by each patient using a verbal analogue scale.
The results showed that the bites treated with the homoeopathic treatment group fared significantly better than the placebo and control groups. The average (median) total erythema was 10.500 mm2*h in the homoeopathic group, 12.900 mm2*h in the placebo group and 13.300 mm2*h in the control group.
After pooling the data of a very similar previous pilot study involving 15 people and the present study (total number of subjects = 83), the homoeopathic after-bite gel was found to be significantly superior to placebo or no treatment. The extent of itching was positively correlated with the area of the erythema, and treatment of mosquito bites with the homoeopathic after-bite gel was found to effectively reduce the erythema.

Hill N.; Slam C.; Tuinder S.; Van Haselen R.A. A placebo controlled clinical trial investigating the efficacy of a homoeopathic after bite gel in reducing mosquito bite induced erythema. Eumpean Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (Germany), 1995,49/1-2 (103-108)

Homoeopathy & heart rate

Homoeopathic medicine can affect heart rate according to Mexican researchers. ECGs were recorded from healthy human subjects during 24-hour long intervals, using ambulatory equipment. The researchers calculated from the data various parameters, searching for those that change in a clear and systematic way under a homeopathic stimulus, (Strophantus hispidus 30c). The energy fraction at high frequencies in the power spectrum of heart rate variability fulfills this condition, and the researchers were able to interpret the results in a way consistent with the information on this medicine in the homeopathic Materia Medica.

Br Homeopath J 1999 Jul;88(3):106-11 Ruiz G, Torres JL, Michel O, Navarro R, Instituto de Fisica y Matematicas, Universidad Michoacana, Morelia, Mexico.

Homoeopathic treatment of chronic skin infections

A new study conducted in Germany has found that the homoeopathic remedy, Sulfur Oligoplex, seems to be very beneficial for people suffering from chronic skin infections and related skin disorders including acne and eczema.

Sulfur Oligoplex is a formulated homoeopathic remedy which has been used by homoeopaths on the continent for over 85 years in the treatment of chronic skin conditions including seborrhoeic eczema, skin infections and acne. It contains Sulphur 6x, Alumen 6x, Cuprum oxydatum nigrum 6x and Magnesium sulfuricum 6x.

A study was conducted in Germany to evaluate the efficacy of Sulfur Oligoplex for various skin disorders. 4,339 patients were evaluated; 3078 (70.9%) of them were over 12 years of age, 912(21%) were between 6 -12 years of age, 259 (6% were aged between one year and 6 years, and 90 (2.1%) were under one year of age.

Data was collected via questionnaires which were completed by the attending health practitioners who had used Sulfur Oligoplex for an average of 10 years (the shortest period a practitioner had used the remedy was six months and the longest was 34 years). The average duration of treatment for patients was 6 weeks.

The results showed that 2065 (47.6%) patients experienced a complete clearance of symptoms, 1742 (40.1%) experienced a clear improvement, 382 (8.%) experienced a minor improvement and only 150 patients (3.5%) experienced no improvement.

Side effects were noted in 166 (3.8%) of the patients, but these were mainly typical homoeopathic reactions involving a slight worsening of symptoms at the commencement of the treatment. The tolerability of the treatment was judged to very good’ by 96.2% of the patients.

One important factor was that 64.5% of the patients used no additional complementary medicines or treatments, but the other patients were prescribed other remedies including other homoeopathic preparations, dietary changes, mineral preparations, acupuncture treatment and herbal remedies to assist.

Overall, the study showed that Sulfur Oligoplex was effective (in varying degrees) in 96.5% of the patients treated although at least one third of the patients also used additional therapies. Although this was not a double-blind, controlled study, the high success rate observed by the practitioners and the large number of patients provide strong evidence that this may be a useful complementary medicine for people of all ages suffering from chronic skin infections.

In summary, although this research goes some way to supporting the use of Sulfur Oligoplex as, at least, a complementary therapeutic intervention for patients suffering from chronic skin infections and disorders, further controlled, double-blind studies would be required to fully understand the efficacy of the treatment.

Source: Alternatives in health V.2 I.4 June 1997

Remedies to Treat Eczema Homeopathy

Eczema homeopathy is a skin irritation mostly red, flaky skin and at times the skin may have cracks or tiny blisters. It is extremely itchy, but scratching might damage the sensitive skin and aggravate the problem so it is important for people with eczema to avoid scratching the area.Eczema is believed to hold a very special place in classical homeopathy. Hahnemann refers it as the unseen inner disease. Eczema can be considered as a disease that is trying to cure itself i.e. our skin repairing system that replaces the dead skin with new ones over a period of time but getting stuck in the middle. The task of homeopathy in eczema is to assist this process and thereby reduce the disease.
Uses of SiliceaThis is one of the frequently used remedies for eczema, Silicea when processed as a remedy acts splendidly on several disorders. Silicea has positive benefit and effect on skin related diseases like eczema.
Staphysagria This is extremely effective remedy to treat skin related diseases, it has broad spectrum of action on brain and body. Eczema patients are administered with Staphysagria for getting relief from the irritation.
Graphites These are prepared from mineral carbon or black lead. After the transformation as a homeopathy remedy it has wide utility. It positively influences skin and therefore used as a remedy for eczema.
PetroleumThe remedy is prepared from crude rock oil, after processing it is transformed into a remedy that is used for the treatment of a number of conditions. Petroleum has positive influences the skin and mucus membranes. It is commonly administered for eczema where the skin becomes dry, rough, thickened and cracked.
LycopodiumLycopodium is one of the brilliant remedies available in homoeopathy it is prepared from the club moss (fungus). After undergoing the process in homeopathy the unknown remedial potential of this fungus are brought out and it is changed to an effective remedy.It is prescribed for chronic eczemas where the skin becomes excessively dry and rough because of itching.
MezereumThis is prescribed for people who have deep anxiety, which may lead to eruptions of blisters and itching. The itching and blisters are symptoms of eczema and therefore Mezereum is prescribed to them.
OthersOther treatment for eczema available in homeopathy is Calendula, which is used more topically in form of gel, lotion or tincture. It relaxes and soothes the skin from irritation and itching.
Homeopathy for Acne ScarsScars are the most dreadful effects of acne and therefore the remedy to treat scars become a must for people with such scars.
Kali bromatumIt is high in demand to treat scars, acne that are most likely to occur during puberty and during periods are treated using the remedy.
SeleniumThis is needed for skins elasticity and it has anti-oxidant property that is effective treatment for scars caused by acne and allergies.
Hepar SulphurHepar sulphur is excellent treating large, pus-filled acne, which is painful and sensitive. It reduces the scars and relieves the skin from pain and marks effectively.

Enjoy Great Skin Through Homeopathy

Enjoy Great Skin Through HomeopathyAcne and Acne scar remains the most common problem among people irrespective of their age. Teenagers though face more consistent eruptions of acne people in their middle and old age are more prone to allergies and skin infections. Overall age is quite irrelevant when it comes to treating acne and scars.

Acne is common and quite recurring, which makes people to opt for natural remedy to cure them. Conventional medicines have their own side effects and therefore people are more receptive to safe and natural options. Homeopathy treatment for acne is safe, natural and effective. Acne and skin problem varies from person to person and so is the homeopathy remedy for them. We here discuss few effective homeopathy remedies for treating acne and skin related infections and allergies.