Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bio-chemic Tissue Salts


PACK SIZE : 450 gms
POTENCIES : 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, 200x

1. Healwell Calcarea Fluorica
2. Healwell Calcarea Phosphorica
3. Healwell Calcarea Sulphurica
4. Healwell Ferrum Phosphoricum
5. Healwell Kali Muriaticum
6. Heawell Kali Phosphoricum
7. FreeHealwell Kali Sulphuricum
8. Healwell Magnesium Phosphoricum
9. Healwell Natrum Muriaticum
10. Healwell Natrum Phosphoricum
11. Healwell Natrum Sulphuricum
12. Healwell Silicea

The Twelve Tissue Remedies :
Calcarea Flur
Calcarea Phosphorica
Calcarea Sulphurica
Ferrum Phosphorica
Kali Muritica
Kali Phosphorica
Kali Sulphurica
Magnesium Phophorica
Natrum Muritica
Natrum Phosphorica
Natrum Sulphurica

The Twelve Tissue Remedies :

Calcarea Fluorica
This is present in all elastic fibres of the body, in the epidermis, the walls of blood vessels, and also in the surface of bones and in teeth enamel.
Indications :
All hard swellings, bony growths (anywhere, whether on cheek, jaws, or elsewhere) and indurated glands, indurated tonsils etc.
Bruises on scalp with hard, uneven bumps. (In the head,) ?A sort of creaking, straining, and drawing, greatly interfering with sleep...?
Headache with nausea in the afternoon, better in the evening.
Cataract; blurred vision after eyestrain.
Thick, greenish-yellow, offensive, lumpy nasal discharge.
Cavities of teeth, with boring pain; mouth dry, tongue looks cracked. Enamel of teeth rough; looseness of teeth, with or without pain.
Tonsils enlarged and indurated (hard); burning in throat better from warm drinks.
Bleeding or blind piles; constipation; pain in back.
Pulling pains in uterine area, and in thighs; excessive menstrual bleeding; loss of tone of uterine muscles. Stony hard nodes in breasts.
Aneurysm, early stage.
Dilation of heart; dilated blood vessels.
Varicose veins, varicose ulcers and vascular tumors.
Lumbago; weak feeling in lower back; worse on starting to move, but better after continued movement.
Chaps and cracks on skin, especially on the palms. Felon (whitlow).
All complaints worse in damp weather and while resting; better by cold fomentation, rubbing and warmth.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Calcarea Phosphorica
This salt is vital for body nutrition and growth. It is a constituent of bones and teeth, of the blood plasma and blood corpuscles, of connective tissue, and is present in saliva and gastric juices and in milk. It is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Promotes cell growth; in fact is essential to initiate the growth process. It plays an important role in the clotting of blood; there can be no coagulation without this cell salt. Apart from its other therapeutic uses, it is an important intercurrent remedy, either as a tonic by itself, or by preparing a ground for the action of other indicated remedies.
Indications :
Memory, comprehension and concentration poor.
Pains wherever the bones form sutures (join). Fontanels remain open too long; bones of skull soft. Headache, after mental work, and worse from damp, or change of climate. Crawling sensation as though ice-water trickling over back of head.
Hydrocephalus ( Abnormally Large head )
Photophobia; cataract. Inflammation and much dryness of eyes when teething.
Chronic ear discharges with simultaneous throat problem.
Point of nose icy-cold. Albuminous discharges during colds/ coughs. Catarrhal discharge flows freely in cold room, stops in warm, open air.
Complaints during dentitions - all complaints that come up while child is teething, cold, fever, diarrhea, whatever; if not directly, as a supplementary remedy. Rapid decay of teeth; delayed dentition; toothache with pains worse at night.
Enlarged tonsils; aching in throat worse from swallowing saliva than food or warm drinks.
Craves ham, bacon, salted/smoked meats.
Abdomen sunken and flabby.
Colic with green diarrhea, especially during dentition. Spluttering, hot, gushing stools. Diarrhea aggravated by fruit. Pain/tenderness around navel.
Rheumatism of the joints with numbness and cold feeling. Sensation as though parts were asleep. Pain in joints from change in weather. Neuralgic pains aggravated at night.
Great weakness after illness. Trembling , tiredness, disinclined to labor.
Rickets, bow-legs, spinal curvature.
Worse from change in weather, movement or cold, and better by resting.
Calcarea Sulphurica
Found in the liver where it helps in the removal of waste products. It is present in bile. A deficiency of this salt causes an accumulation of the waste. This usually finds it way out through discharges, whether nasal catarrh, skin eruptions etc. Calcerea Sulph can be called a blood purifier.
Indications :
?Pus with a vent?.
Suppurations; deep-seated abscess; discharge of thick, yellow matter.
Pustules, skin eruptions with discharge of yellow, purulent matter.
Ulcers, abscesses, carbuncles, cuts taking too long to heal.
Septic wounds.
Aggravation or return of symptoms after washing in water, after exercise and from heat.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Ferrum Phosphorica
The oxygen carrier. An extremely important remedy, since it is a constituent of hemoglobin, taking up oxygen from air inhaled and carrying it to all parts of the body. Therefore its connection is to all cells, since iron is present in albumen which is the basis of every cell.
Indications :
The principal remedy in the first stage of almost every illness / disease; bronchitis, carditis, diphtheria, nephritis, orchitis, etc.
The first and foremost remedy in the early stage of inflammations.
Throbbing pain, redness and heat of parts - whether in headache, inflamed gums, joint inflammation, eye inflammations, otitis (earache), tonsillitis, sore throat, etc.
Wounds and injuries - first remedy. Can be applied to wounds and cuts too.
Congestion of parts.
Complexion red and florid, or sallow, pale.
Bleeding of bright red blood.
Epistaxis (nosebleed).
Vomiting of bright red blood.
All fevers in the initial stages, and may be alternated with other remedies as indicated. Chilly stage of fevers. Shivering, heat, pain.
All symptoms worse from warmth, excitement and motion, while cold and gentle motion ameliorates.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Kali Muriatica
A constituent of blood corpuscles, nerve cells, brain cells, muscles and in intercellular fluid. ?A sluggish remedy for sluggish constitutions.?
Indications :
Usually a second stage remedy; often alternated with Ferrum Phos, or with other
indicated remedies.
? Whitish-grey coating on tongue.
? Grayish-white discharges.
? Burns and blisters. Can be used externally on burns too - as a compress.
? Chronic catarrhal ear trouble, esp. middle ear. Acts on closed Eustachian tubes.
? Primary remedy in glandular swellings.
? Diphtheria - often the only remedy required.
? Mumps; also swollen glands about neck. Dyspepsia from eating rich or fatty food. Lack of
appetite. Waterbrash.
Constipation; stools light-colored, showing sluggish liver function.
? Congestion and inflammations in the second stage, anywhere in the body.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Kali Phosphorica
Kali Phos may be said to work with Ferrum Phos as an oxygen carrier; it assists in the osmosis of oxygen from the blood to the tissues, completing the process initiated by Ferrum Phos. Kali Phos is a constituent ?of all animal fluids and tissues. notably of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood cells.?
Indications :
A remedy for nervous peoples or ailments from fright, excitement that disturbs the system. ?Nervous dread without specific cause.? Nervousness or nerves are the red-line pointers of this remedy. It is the nerve nutrient.
Tired out mentally; irritable; depressed. Sensitive to noises. Confusion.
? Bashfulness, timidity, shyness.
? Cerebral anemia.
? Hysteria.
? Nervous headaches, indigestion from nervous causes, nervous asthma, etc.
? Discharges very offensive.
? Nervous ?gone? sensation in stomach. Ravenous hunger. Hungry soon after eating.
? Itching of palms and soles.
? Paralytic or rheumatic lameness.
? Neuralgic pains anywhere. Painful spasms followed by much weakness.
? Paralysis of any part.
? Marasmus (atrophy). Wasting of body.
? Gangrene; septic hemorrhages with characteristic offensive discharge.
? Aggravation from exertion, excitement, noise. All pains worse by cold air. Feels better from
rest, eating, and warmth.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Kali Sulphurica
According to Schuessler, this is the function remedy of the epidermis. Found in cells, intercellular fluids, nerves, epithelium, blood corpuscles.
Indications :
Scaling of the skin; unhealthy skin, greenish yellow or yellow discharge forming crusts. Eczema. Burning, itchy eruptions. Suppression of rash in eruptive diseases and problems therefrom.
Extremely irritable. Hurried, timid, anxious. Fear of falling.
Dandruff; crusts forming on scalp, discharging sticky yellow matter.
Catarrhs yellow, slimy, always worse evenings and in warm room, and better in open air. ?Ripe? colds. Third stage of cough with free expectoration, and rattling of mucous in chest.
Engorgement of mucous membranes in nose and throat, causing snoring or mouth-breathing. (esp. after operation to remove adenoids.)
Pains of a fleeting, shifting nature Rheumatic/neuralgic pains; cramps in limbs. In most fevers, gastric, typhoid, measles, etc. Fever when temperature increases in the evening, and rises till midnight, then falls.
Yellow, slimy, coated tongue. Dreads hot drinks. No thirst.
In fevers, when even Ferrum Phos fails, Kali Sulph may be given to promote perspiration. Very prominent characteristic is the aggravation in the evening and in a warm room, and amelioration in cool, open air, in all its functions.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Magnesium Phosphorica
Found in the white fibres of nerves and muscles. Works in conjunction with Kali Phos, which acts on the grey nerve fibres; a disturbance in one almost inevitably affects the other. Best given in hot water.
Indications :
Spasms and spasmodic pains; neuralgia; darting, shooting, sharp pains, in eyes, ears, throat; toothache; gastralgia; piles, backache, rheumatism, whenever the characteristic indications are present. Pains like electric shocks. Heat relieves all pains, while cold aggravates. Better from pressure applied.
Spasmodic movements, whether twitching of eyelids, mouth, any limb or body part. Involuntary movements.
Spasmodic stammering. Hiccups.
In tetanus; can also be rubbed into gums; frequent administration.
Cramps - can be used along with Kali Phos and Calc Phos. Cramps in stomach, colicky pain in intestines, cramps in arms and legs.
Membranous dysmenorrhea ; pain during menstruation, with membranes in discharge. Heat relieves. Can be started before periods are due, to ease the symptoms.
Convulsive coughing fits; whooping cough, along with Kali Mur.
Always worse from cold. Symptoms better from heat, pressure and rubbing the part briskly.
Natrum Muriatica
This salt can be called the water regulator of the body. It enters into the composition of all fluid and solid components of the body. Its function is to maintain enough fluids in the system.
Indications :
Muttering delirium; delirium tremens.
Weepy, but consolation irritates. Despondent.
Face shiny, as though greased. Perspiration on face while eating.
Dislike of bread. Craving for salt. Very thirsty.
Great hunger. Emaciated in spite of eating well.
Slimy, frothy appearance of tongue - clear, but with bubbles of watery saliva.
Watery discharges - tears from eyes, catarrh from nose, watery leucorrhoea, watery diarrhea, watery matter from skin vesicles.
Hammering headaches, especially in school-going children. Headaches with flow of tears, or with vomiting of frothy, watery substance.
Colds with much sneezing, watery flow from nose, often accompanied by tears.
Constipation with dryness of stool and smarting of anus.
Menstrual flow thin and watery. Great depression during periods. Anemia, especially in school-girls.
Involuntary movements of legs- ?cannot sit still?. Backache better from lying on something hard. Rheumatism when other symptoms correspond. Neuralgic pains when other symptoms match.
Dropsy anywhere in the body.
Cannot pass urine in anyone?s presence.
Chilliness. Constant desire to sleep.
Fevers with muttering, twitching and watery secretions, whether diarrhea or vomiting. (Not to be given during paroxysm in intermittent fevers) Cold sores on lips. Herpetic eruptions. Irritation of skin after insect bites. Periodic complaints. Aggravation mornings, cold weather and amelioration evenings.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Natrum Phosphorica
An acid neutralizer. While body fluids are both acid and alkaline, deficiency only occurs in the alkaline factor, since acid is an organic component, always present, when diet is adequate. Therefore what is called ?hyperacidity? is really a deficiency of the inorganic salt that combines with it - Nat. Phos.
Indications :
Creamy yellow coating at back of tongue and the roof of the mouth. In fact this creamy-yellow or golden-yellow color is a prime indicator for this remedy - all discharges, whether from eyes, ears, during colds, coating on tonsils, phlegm expectorated, skin discharges, leucorrhoea, are of this color.
Worms and all problems caused or aggravated by worms. Picking of nose, grinding of teeth during sleep, itching of anus, all indicative of worms.
Acidity - sour eructation, burning; pains after eating.
Morning sickness when sour fluids brought up. Vomiting of acid fluid.
?One ear red, hot and frequently itchy, accompanied by gastric derangement and acidity?.
Sour smelling perspiration.
Rheumatic pains; legs feel weak; creaking of joints; gout.
?Rose rash? on skin, with golden or creamy yellow secretions. Eczema with similar discharges. Hives. v The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Natrum Sulphurica
Regulates intercellular fluid density by eliminating excess water.
Indications :
Greenish Gray, dirty coating on the tongue. The characteristic coating on the tongue points to the choice of the remedy in headaches, indigestion, diarrhea, skin conditions, whatever the problem.
Complaints arising from living in damp conditions and from eating fish, water-laden plants, etc.
Mental troubles arising from injury to the head.
? Biliousness. Bitter taste in mouth. Slimy mucous in mouth, rising from stomach. Vomiting of
greenish water, or bile. Jaundice. Hypertrophy of liver; - sharp pains in liver region, worse
lying on the left side. ?Irritable liver?.
? Urine ?looks like brick-dust and clings to sides of the vessel.? Diabetes - the main
biochemic remedy. Excessive urination in diabetes.
Gout, acute or chronic. Rheumatism with bilious symptoms.
?Hands and feet twitch during sleep?.
? Skin conditions with bilious symptoms and the characteristic tongue. Dropsy.
? Malaria and intermittent fevers - principal remedy for all stages.
? Aggravation in the morning, and from damp. Better for warm, dry atmosphere.
The Twelve Tissue Remedies
Found in hair, nails, skin, periosteum, nerve sheaths and bone tissue. Silicea is a cleanser ? it throws out from body tissues any unwanted matter. It can often start the healing process by promoting suppuration and eliminating pathological collection.
Indications :
Not confident, holds back from any challenge, but when decided, does the job well. Mind overtired from mental exertion. Promotes suppuration. Throws out any foreign matter from the body; must not be used for (even past) TB patients. Use for gumboils, boils, abscesses; for suppurating tonsils.
General constitution weak and irritable; easily over-wrought and agitated.
? All diseases of the lachrymal (tear glands) apparatus; Styes and Cataract.
? Headache from nape to top of head, worse right side, and from noise, mental or physical work
and light, and better for warmth. Oversensitive to noise.
? All type of pus- discharges.
? Disgust for meat, warm food; intolerance for spirits
? Ravenous hunger; chronic indigestion and heartburn.
? Menstrual periods with offensive foot sweat; chill through body.
? Numbness of parts lain on. Pain in shin bone. Bones ache. Spasms in hands from writing, and
cramps in feet after walking.
? Fetid foot-sweat and problems arising after suppressed foot- sweats.Sweat about head.
? Diarrhea ? putrid and offensive; diarrhea after vaccinations.
? Constipation. Stools recede after emerging.
? Extremely chilly. Worse at night and during full moon; cannot to lerate cold. Better from rest,
and warmth.


All Homeopathic Medicines are free from Side effects.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Homeopathy treatment, Homeopathic Treatment Delhi, Amenorhea, Aconite, Ignatia

A sudden pain in the cardiac region, which goes to the left arm, stomach upto throat to chin, is referred as angina. It is call of the nature that your heart is not able to work properly due to lack of oxygen supply. The oxygen supply is reduces due to narrowing of arteries of the heart so called coronary artery. Many people refer if as hearty pain by a feeling of thousands of loads in place over the cardiac region & in compressing the heart. The person becomes restless, anxious, suffocated & a fear develops in mind due to reduce supply of blood to the body and brain by the heart. It is an energy conditions that has to be teached with great care & burden. Angina generally proceeds to heart attack, which can cause permanent heart damage. Few medicines are of great help in this energy conditions & they are: -

Arsenic als.- When mental restlessness accomplice the physical restlessness of the body. It has great insecurity & feel of death along with restless body where he changes his position continuously. Anxiety in market with children & think for small amount of water at a time.

Phosphorus- The main leading symptom is that anxiety relived renounce. There is great nervousness, sensivity & sympathy towards other. Anxiety is non-related to thunder storm & darkness. This is strong cause for cold drink & ice cream.

Arthritis- Degenerative & desolating condition of the joint with loss of snivel fluid and damage to the cartilage of the joints with the inflammation of the joints with fluent and muscles around the joints as a protective mechanism to prevent extreme damage. Arthritis can affect the big joints like knee joints, shoulder joints where it is referred as ?osteo arthritis?. It can also affect the small joints like finger joints, toe joints where it is called rheumatoid arthritis. It is very painful and debilitating condition, which makes the person bounded to its chair. Medicines, which are of great help in arthritis are-

1). Causticm- When pain is better, in warmth, dam weather & in bed. They are worst in cold & dry weather. This comes with oversensivity & excitability.

2). Rhus tox. - When pains become worst on beginning to walk but soon on continuous walking, they become better. Such pains come in cold & dam weather.

3). Calcaria carc. - It is a constitution on remedy with deficiency of calcium in the body. Body is fat & flabby, the tendency to great sweat. Feet remains cold upto the knees as if person has put on dam socks.

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, Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi, Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment, Homeopathic Treatment Delhi

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Every person is different because the tendences we inherit are different and the factors that influence in are different. Why a normal lady who suddenly felt in the hands of unbeatable depression by loosing her lovable husband and overlooked by her children develops cancer within 7yrs. This is because her inherited tendency was already there but it needed a triggering factor. It is not essential that the problem may come in the same form. The destructive tendencies can take any form in the form of arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc. depending on the weak point and degree of exposure to stress. In homeopathy, a person constitution tells us about the health state, which includes the internal, and external acquired changes plus their temperament. So the medicine is chosen according to the constitution of the person where the remedial picture must match the symptom picture of illness in man. These are generally given between the acute state in order to strengthen the vital force and make it free from inherited problems slowly and steadily. So we say that homeopathy can treat the inherited problems slowly but it is only possible if you fall in the hands of a good homeopath only then.
Think over it.

How are remedies prepared?

You may be said by men that all remedies look same, the same small bottle of sweet pills, how are they different? The medicine is not the sweet pill but the drops that your doctor has added and these drops are different from each other although they look same. Homeopathic remedies are like the allopathic ones do not have the crud state in them. Taken from the crud form, they undergo a state of energizing called potentisation. This process releases energy released in the remedial mixture but a limited amount at each step.

The process of potentisation has two process involved, one is dilution and the other is energizing. Most of remedies that are used in homeopathy are in the state of activeness or even poisonous. To avoid the side effects, they are diluted and to make them powerful they are energized to great degree at each step. So after 60 potency, not even a single molecule of the original substance remains but this does not mean that the remedial action has gone. The base contains the remedial action in its same power and remains preserved for long time, as it is alcoholic in nature. The more it is potentised to energized the more is its strength and depth of action. That is why they can penetrate the energy phase of a body and cure even the inherit tendencies.
Think over it.


Since homeopathy is based on complete person detail, which includes the inherited conditions, also we homeopaths need to have a very close loop that your body, mind & soul, which we call vital force. This can only be done if we take a very detailed history of you and your background.

Homeopathic Doctors Delhi, Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi, Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment, Homeopathic Treatment Delhi, Amenorhea, Aconite, Ignatia, Angina, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Aconite, Homeopathy, Pulse reading, Allergies,Yoga

Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment,Homeopathy, Homeopathic Doctors Delhi

It is said that the state of mind affects the body. Previously many physicians believed that mental health is different from physical being. They used to treat the parts neglecting the mental being of the person. It was the founder of homeopathy itself, Dr. Samuel Christian Fredrick Hahnemann who elaborated on the basic fact of mind and body as integrated part. After 250yrs the modern science has started believing that the body functions is surely affected by the mind of the person. For example when you are sad your appetite decreases, long term grief of more than five years affect the cell metabolism and reproduction causing cancer like conditions. Deep thinking leads to benign conditions of tumors. This is all because it is not only our external environment which acts as stimuli for the diseases but even our internal environment function as triggering factor. Why does every child does not get cold on changing whether and why among them a few only suffer from asthma? These all questions get their answer in this integrated function. This is where homeopathy has a strong edge over the allopathic system of medicines where depression, stress are treated in the person taking him as a whole. Today where the external environment is causing modern life style problems, homeopathy system comes as a bloom to us. So we homeopaths are always ready at your service to cure you at a whole and not to your body parts.

Why to opt for homeopathy
Many people ask why to go for homeopathic system? These following points will give answer to your question-

Mild & gentle- For no reason you can regard homeopathy as a harsh method of treatment. Be whatever be your illness and whatever be its stage, the treatment is always mild gentle. Homeopathic medicines when prescribed correctly produces only that much level of action in the body which is required to render the mind & body disease free. On the other hand even the smallest of the chemical medicines produces some or the other effect which disturbs the normal body function.

Free from side effects- Our treatment is very specific on the bodily constitutions and not on the type of disease; it depends on the mental, physical & regimn of the person. So only that specific medicine is given which the person requires. These specific remedies have one thing positive that they are free from side effects if chosen correctly by a good homeopath.

Cures in genetic inheritance- We all become ill because we have that inherited illness in us. Several members in same family may not suffer from the same illness but if seeing deeply their basis of illness is same, it may be named differently and that is the modern day life cell therapy where the umbilical cord blood is saved for several years to be used by that same person or even its siblings. So until & unless the inheritance basis is corrected, disease can never be cured it can only be treated. Its only homeopathy, which can look deeply at such inheritance and treated. But you should be lucky enough to have eyes of homeopaths for that.

Homeopathic Doctors Delhi, Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi, Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment, Homeopathic Treatment Delhi, Amenorhea, Aconite, Ignatia, Angina, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Aconite, Homeopathy, Pulse reading, Allergies,Yoga

Monday, March 2, 2009

Homeopathy, Homeopathic Doctors Delhi, Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi

A completely dedicated service towards homeopathy is aim. Through this pathy we treat not only your acute, chronic but even your herideratary conditions and try to cure them through the completes. Through this pathy we enhance your body self-heeling capability. We touch your energy levels of vital force through the medicinal energy, which is enhanced by the process of potentisation. We have cured cases of arthritis, heart diseases, skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, discoloration, acne, watts, etc., respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc, digestive problems like GERD, liver diseases, intestinal worms infestations, piles, etc., fever diseases like menstrual abnormality, pumers, sist, fibroids, leucorrhoea, etc. We also feel proud to mention that our therapy has taken edge over other pathies in curing mental depression, stress related diseases, parkinsonisn, insomia, dual nature, etc. Due to our holistic and energetic medicine we have capability of curing each and every disease. ?You name it and we treat it?, just that the disease should not be in its too advance stage and not in its incurable form.

Pulse reading

Our team takes it on other homeopaths where many a times you need not even mention the disease and we can tell you the problem of your body by reading the pulse. Pulse reading has been the art in India long period. It is a part of science of ayurveda, which has been practiced in our country from ancient time by various ?Rishis?. Today the science is known to a very few and only these people know about reading the pulse. So here we are at your service to help you in the treatment of service.


No artificial chemicals induced in your body can ever help you to the completest. It can only suspect the disease for some time but can never cure it. Here comes the nature because for every disease nature producers has its . This is the field of naturopathy when without any medicine the disease is treated by natural product around us. But have compared it with homeopathy and both science for hand in hand, both being bared in nature.

Homeopathic Doctors Delhi, Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi, Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment, Homeopathic Treatment Delhi, Amenorhea, Aconite

Homeopathy Doctors Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment

We are a group of Doctors spread at different places of Delhi providing a comprehensive integrated medicine of homeopathy, ayurveda, naturopathy, idiopathic, as well as life style management with integration of tongue & pulse reading.It was Dr. Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, an allopathic physician of that time who is founder of this great science. Although vitalistic concept of the science existed since hippo crape but it was overlook. Hahnemann realized this concept 7 applied not only on human body but even to the seemingly inured substances from all kingdoms of matter be it plant, animal or mineral. When his allopathic practice of no principles of that time bugged this doctor up where it comprises of leaching, purgation, etc., he converted his profession in translating various books.

It was while translating books in 1796 that he came across a view that Chingchona (China) bark cures the typhoid fever because of his bitter taste. He disagreed with it and decided to prove it. He took china into his notice. He struck the basic principle of nature that "similia similibus curentur" that is the like cures like. He has proved china producing all symptoms of typhoid fever on him so he came to the conclusion that only those substances, which are capable of producing the similar kind of symptom, like the disease can cure the disease. This is a very basic principle of homeopathy on which it stands like the immovable stone. This principle of homeopathy has been stated in book called "Organon of medicine" which has come in six additions from time to time. The medicinal part has been stated in the book called "Materia medica", where the two medicinal actions on healthy human being have been compiled. This rough picture must match the disease picture and his whole similarity to cure the disease.

Homeopathic Doctors Delhi, Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi, Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment, Homeopathic Treatment Delhi, Amenorhea, Aconite, Ignatia, Angina, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Aconite, Homeopathy, Pulse reading, Allergies,Yoga