Sunday, January 3, 2010

Airport and Travel Stress during the Holidays

I just returned from my Christmas travels - generally they passed off very well but not without the usual bodily stress of many hours spent in the airport, on buses, trains and trams. Hours spent in air-conditioned, centrally heated atmospheres with no fresh air and nothing green. Time spent under the continual glare of fluorescent lighting, not to mention engine and equipment noise. Hours spent on one's feet, crowded amidst many strangers.

So, any tips for feeling better? How do you remain at ease while travelling ? Jet-lag, aching muscles, stress.....
 Drink plenty of water and water juices. Avoid drinking coffee which will dehydrate you. Get fresh air whenever you can. Do not go hungry.
Bring a small bottle of water with you combined with Lavender and Rose Essential Oils and spray your face and hair regularly. When you get to your hotel room, rub a drop or two of your favourite essential oil onto the surface of a light bulb. When you switch the light on, the fragrance will diffuse throughout the room.
Try the Bush Combination Travel Essence or the Space Clearing Spray if you feel crowded and fatigued.
Have the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy on hand for feelings of tension, anticipation or anxiety about the journey.
Have cleansing wipes with you for refreshing yourself and for when toilet or bathroom facilities are unclean.
Bring ear-plugs with you to cope with noise during take-off and landing or any other noisy areas
If you are a sensitive person, try to focus in on one preoccupation such as reading or listening to your own music. Or close your eyes and drift into your own thoughts. But do not people-watch or observe others. And try to reduce eye-contact as much as possible during the day.

For jet-lag take regular doses of Arnica 30c. This will ease fatigue from physical over-exertion which plane travel is, as it is so unnatural. It helps aching muscles and tiredness all over. If you want, you can bring Arnica tincture with you to drop into the bath at your destination. Arnica also helps if you cannot sleep from over-tiredness.

    Bring a peppermint foot cream for aching feet an obviously wear comofrtable well-ventilated shoes.

    For sleeplessness as a result of the time-change, especially if accompanied by any dizziness and exhaustion, try taking the homeopathic remedy Cocculus Indicus 30c.

    If you are apprehensive about the journey or have a  fear of flying then take Arg-Nit 30c. This may also cover physical symptoms coming from anxiety such as diarrhoea, butterflies in your stomach, sore throat and heart palpitations when the anxiety is severe.

    For panic attacks, take Aconite 30c. Panic may mean feeling very disorientated, the heart beating fast or pounding, pale face, cold sweat or burning and tingling sensations. At its worst, panic  may involve a feeling that one is going to die.

    If you are worried about germs and infectious illness, take the herb Echinacea a week before, during the holiday or vacation and a week after your return. This will stimulate the immune system and has naturally anti-biotic properties. Takeing Tea Tree Essential Oil with you is also helpful. Apply a couple of drops to a tissue and inhale regularly while on the plane to prevent bacteria being absorbed. Try to breathe through your nose as much as possible and keep hydrated. Being hydrated means all the mucuous membranes are moist and you are less vulnerable to bacteria penetrating your body.

    You do not need to be the first in every queue. Observe seasoned travellers; they have learned to wait in a relaxed way. There is no need to be too early out of anxiety and neither a need to be late out impatience.

    Travel light. Easier said than done! Never carry a heavy bag slung over your shoulder. Try to understand the difference between needs and luxuries. Simple pleasures are always better than quantities of goods.

    Ask for help if you need it. Don't be too independent. There will always be someone to direct you on your way if you feel unsure. Although travel sometimes has its vulnerabilities and you need to be always alert - remember to trust in the essential goodness of people.

    Travel can be an adventure - the journey is important as well as the destination. Notice your approach - you may learn alot about your approach to the journey of life. The earth is very much like an airpot where fellow travellers have different goals in mind.