Leptospirosis. Homeopathy triumphs; ConMed ignores
The triumph of homeopathy over Leptospirosis might count as 'old' news now, if it had not been so ignored by governments, the ConMed Establishment, and even the Medical Journals. A study published in August 2010 described the successful use of homeopathy in preventing the annual epidemic in Cuba. It helped over 2 million people, and as such is one of the largest homeopathic trials in the medical literature.
Leptospiros is a bacterial disease, one that is becoming a world-wide problem. It has caused many thousands of deaths every years. The use of homeopathy began in October 2007, and quickly proved both cheaper, and more effective, than conventional vaccines.
The outcome was spectacular. Within 2 weeks there was a 90% decrease in the incidence of the disease in the areas covered by homeopathy; no decrease was apparent in the areas covered by conventional vaccines.
This was repeated in September 2008, but this time, 2.3 million people received the homeopathic remedy. Again, in the areas receiving the remedies, disease rates were significantly below the average, with no decrease in the other areas.
"The total annual incidence of Leptospirosis was reduced in the intervention region by 84% from 2007 to 2008, while incidence rose in the non-intervention region by 21%. The researchers considered numerous variables besides homeopathy that may have influenced the trends, but all were shown to be statistically non-significant.
See also
Yet, the (conventional) Medical Journals, whose task it is to publish medical evidence of this sort, have refused to publish this evidence. This should not be too much of a surprise (it is certainly not to the world of homeopathy). The medical journals are fully under the malign influence of the Big Pharma companies - who certainly would not want this kind of evidence to be widely known.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Orang-Orang Yang Berjaya Menjalani Rawatan Kesuburan Mengikut Kaedah Prof Dr Nik Omar
Rawatan Kesuburan Homeopathy Prof Dr nik Omar
Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility by Prof Dr Nik Omar
makan ubat antara 4 hingga 8 bulan

Foto: Sebahagian dari ibu ibu yang berjaya mendapat anak mengikut kaedah HTI
Some of successful mother who follow Prof Dr Nik Omar method of HTI P200
Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility
Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility by Prof Dr Nik Omar
makan ubat antara 4 hingga 8 bulan

Foto: Sebahagian dari ibu ibu yang berjaya mendapat anak mengikut kaedah HTI
Some of successful mother who follow Prof Dr Nik Omar method of HTI P200
Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility
Homeopathy for
Fistula In Ano

Photo: According to western medicine, fistula in ano must be operated just like in this picture.
1. Definition
A fistula is an abnormal connection between two epithelial lined surfaces. In this case it is an abnormal connection between the anal canal and the skin surface.
2. Examples of fistulae
* Commonest fistulae- Ear piercing!
* Commonest fistulae in medical practice- entero-enteric fistulae, but many are clinically silent
* Commonest presenting fistula- fistula-in-ano
3. Classification of fistula-in-ano
* Best to classify them according to their relationship to the anal sphincters
* Subcutaneous + submucous - below sphincters
* Low - traverses only the internal sphincter
* High - traverses internal + external sphincter
* Intersphincteric -travels between the two muscles with the opening being at variable levels
* Pelvirectal - opens above the anorectal ring
Fistula In Ano With Homeopathic Medication:
If treated in time Fistula In Ano can be treated with great success by homeopathy. Some useful medication are Ac Nit - Head the remedy. I should be given in 200c dilution every week. Soreness and burning pain in the lower bowel, a thin reenish discharge flowing freely from fistula. While beb Vulg - Fistula in ano with bilious symptom and itching of part as if beaten with hammer.
Other useful remedies: Ac Flour., Bacillinum., Silicea, lachesis, Sulph., Calc Phos.,
Bahasa Melayu: Ubat-ubat homeopati cukup baik untuk merawat fistula. Dalam lingkungan 10 terapi biasanya fistula boleh baik tanpa pembedahan. selamat mencuba.
Homeopathy for
Trigeminal Neuralgia Cured Using Integrated Medicine
Testimony From Patient
Mr A bin D Age 46 yrs - A Malay Businessman Record No. 5467
First Visit on 3 June 2011 at Our Kuala Lumpur Clinic
CO- severe pain on the left side of the face. GP diagnosed as ' Trigeminal Neuralgia' Suffered since 2003 and under hospital medication. Pain on and off without complete cure.
In 2006 severe attacked again with very painful strike.
" I did acupuncture 6 session at Rawang with a Chinese man and feel very much relief but unfurtunately the man closed the shop and I started to take pain killer again.
In 2011 the pain come back with with degree of pain 9 to 10 time stronger than before. I cannot tolerate the pain , I search internet and found Prof Dr Nik Omar clinic and came here first time on 3 June 2011 and after 5 session of acupuncture externally and one week of homeopathic medicine orally. My pain has goneabout 70 - 80 % and I hope I will get 100% complete cure once I complete all the 10 session of acupuncture with Dr Nik." said Mr Ahmad
Bahasa Melayu: "Saya mengalami Trigeminal Neuralgia sejak tahun 2003, sakit datang dan pergi namun penyakit tidak sembuh. Hanya bertahan dengan 'pain killer' Hampir setiap tahun saja datang kadang-kadang kuat, kadang-kadang kecil-kecilan. Tahun ini kesakitan saya teramat sangat dan tidak tahan lagi. Nasib baik saya jumpa denga Prof Dr Nik Omar di Internet. Sejak menjalani terapi hmeopathy dan akupunktur dengan beliau sebanyak 5 kali penyakit saya telah hilang antara 70 - 80 %. Saya harap sangat bahawa dalam 10 terapi, penyakit saya akan hilang 100% peratus", kata En Ahmad.
Thank You
Mr Ahmad bin Daud
Kuala Lumpur 10 June 2011
Mr A bin D Age 46 yrs - A Malay Businessman Record No. 5467
First Visit on 3 June 2011 at Our Kuala Lumpur Clinic
CO- severe pain on the left side of the face. GP diagnosed as ' Trigeminal Neuralgia' Suffered since 2003 and under hospital medication. Pain on and off without complete cure.
In 2006 severe attacked again with very painful strike.
" I did acupuncture 6 session at Rawang with a Chinese man and feel very much relief but unfurtunately the man closed the shop and I started to take pain killer again.
In 2011 the pain come back with with degree of pain 9 to 10 time stronger than before. I cannot tolerate the pain , I search internet and found Prof Dr Nik Omar clinic and came here first time on 3 June 2011 and after 5 session of acupuncture externally and one week of homeopathic medicine orally. My pain has goneabout 70 - 80 % and I hope I will get 100% complete cure once I complete all the 10 session of acupuncture with Dr Nik." said Mr Ahmad
Bahasa Melayu: "Saya mengalami Trigeminal Neuralgia sejak tahun 2003, sakit datang dan pergi namun penyakit tidak sembuh. Hanya bertahan dengan 'pain killer' Hampir setiap tahun saja datang kadang-kadang kuat, kadang-kadang kecil-kecilan. Tahun ini kesakitan saya teramat sangat dan tidak tahan lagi. Nasib baik saya jumpa denga Prof Dr Nik Omar di Internet. Sejak menjalani terapi hmeopathy dan akupunktur dengan beliau sebanyak 5 kali penyakit saya telah hilang antara 70 - 80 %. Saya harap sangat bahawa dalam 10 terapi, penyakit saya akan hilang 100% peratus", kata En Ahmad.
Thank You
Mr Ahmad bin Daud
Kuala Lumpur 10 June 2011
Homeopathy for
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