Hahnemann was born in Miessen, Germany on 10th April, 1775, and his first definition of the Simile Principle was given in an essay in Hufelands journal, in 1796.
This makes 1796 the year of birth of homoeopathy. The first edition of his "Organon of the Healing Art" was brought out in 1810. Thus, counting from this date, Homoeopathy has been claiming adherents as a science of therapeutics. During these years many illustrious physicians have adorned themselves as staunch and unwavering practitioners of this art. They have left a rich store of literature and experience for the guidance of posterity. On this occasion, when we are celebrating Hahnemanns birthday, let us recall to our minds the important instructions he has given in the Organon, which has been rightly hailed as a great landmark in medical literature.