Friday, August 27, 2010

Homeopathy for Intestinal Parasites and Worms

Homeopathy for Intestinal Parasites and Worms
Natrum Phosphoricum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals affected by intestinal parasites and those suffering worm related disorders.
  • This problem also results because of excess sugar, milk and over acidity in the blood complicated by the internal parasites.
  • Physical symptoms include the persistent sour belching, the production of abundant stools, and heavy sweats and persistent perspiration.
  • This remedy is also for use with internal parasites in babies who are still being bottle fed at the time of infection.
  • Physical symptoms can also include the production of excessive gas and a persistent colic state in infants.
  • The patients will crave and desire fried food-especially eggs, he or she will also love a lot of tangy foods and spices.
  • The saliva is yellow, and there is a creamy coating in the mouth and the tongue, this is accompanied by discharges in the eyes.
  • An itchy nose also tends to be always present in the person.
  • Psychological symptoms include apprehension and persistent anxiety.
  • The person is apathetic and seems indifferent to everything happening around him or her.
  • The condition of the person may worsen if he or she eats bread and butter.
Sabadilla is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals with internal parasites such as pinworms and related nematodes like the beef or pork tapeworms.
  • Physical symptoms in the patients include anal itching which is very persistent; this sensation often alternates with a persistent itching in the nose or in the ears at the same time.
  • Physical symptoms also include compulsive muscular twitching, the sudden appearance of convulsions and constant trembling in the body.
  • Other conditions that can be triggered are similar to hay fever, sudden bouts of sneezing.
  • Conditions such as nausea, vomiting, and colic are also often seen.
  • The person is affected by a peculiar condition known as worm headache.
  • Psychological symptoms include the presence of persistent and mostly imaginary symptoms.
Spigelias Marilandica is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients afflicted by internal parasites such as worms.
  • The physical symptoms during the condition are an itching anal region and the presence of a persistent bad breath at all times of the day and night.
  • The patient may also complain of a persistent pain around the navel area.
  •  The person is very sensitive to the effects of tobacco.
  • Physical symptoms also include neuralgia in the face, in the eyes, and a great sensitivity to being touched by others.
  • Other symptoms often observed are the presence of a persistent headache from sunrise to sunset and this is repeated daily.
  • Psychological symptoms also begin to manifest themselves, and the patients may be very fearful of the future and anxious about things.
  • The patient is also often affected by stuttering even though he or she may not normally stutter.
  • Symptoms such as palpitations are also seen.
  • The condition of the patient often worsens in cold and damp environments.
Tanacetum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with internal parasites.
  • Physical symptoms include the persistent muscle spasms which occur over the course of the day and in the night.
  • There is as lot of twitching during sleep, and the patient may often wake up in fright at night.
  • Physical symptoms also include physical fatigue, other disorders such as epilepsy, which suddenly arrives when the person is sleeping or while he is walking normally.
  • Other symptoms also include the presence of sudden bouts of diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain; this situation may only be relieved by passing some stool.
  • Psychological symptoms include irritability, and a great sensitivity to noises and loud sounds.
  • The person may make many contorted gestures in the face at nighttime, and he or she may suffer from tics.
Teucrium is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted by internal parasites such as pin and thread worms or even those affected by round worms.
  • Physical symptoms include persistent nervousness and irritability.
  • The person may be extremely restless and affected by sleeplessness at night.
  • Physical symptoms also include crawling and itching sensations in the rectum and the nose, the condition of the patients worsens from the warmth in bed.
  • The person may also be affected by a chronic mucus production problem.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chelone Glabra / Snake-Head

This is a picture of Chelone Glabra that I took from my garden. It is also known as Snake-head! no wonder, take a good look at the shape of its leaves.

I would like to share with you the MEDICINAL benefits of this plant. But please be aware that although this is a natural remedy, natural doesn't mean safe, thus do-not self-prescribe and consult your Homeopath/Natural-Medicine Health Care Provider before using it.

Here is the list:

* for Liver and Gallbladder disorders.
* to relieve nausea and vomiting.
* for treating anorexia nervosa.
* as a laxative.
* to expel parasites/worms.

In Homeopathy, it is used for treating:

* Dyspepsia.
* Hepatic diseases.
* Jaundice.
* Soreness of external parts.
* Parasite cleansing.

Isn't it amazing? ...remedies prescribed by nature!

Have a healthy day.

Image and Article by: Iman Navab
To purchase this tincture, please visit