Child with acute runny nose and cough (only) in monsoon season: 12 Most useful homeopathic medicines.

1. Nux Vomica. (If child has C, D, G, J, K,O, Q, R, S, W, Y)
2. Allium Cepa (If child has F, H, K, P, Q, R, S,)
3. Euphrasia (If child has E, G, J, M, N, Q, R, S, T, )
4. Arsenic Album (If child has A, B, D, E, J, Q, R, S, T, X, Y )
5. Belladonna (If child has C, D, W, Y).
6. Merc. Sol (If child has K, L, M, R,S, Z)
7. Pulsatila (If child has A, B, C, D, H, I, J,K, Q, R, T, U, X,)
8. Sulphur (If child has B, H, I, J, Q, R, S, U, V, W, X, Y)
9. Heper Sulph (If child has N, P, Q, R, S, U, Y)
10. Calcarea Carb (If child has D, Q, R, U, W, Y)
11. Dulcamara (If child has M, T,)
12. Ipecac (If child has X and Y symptoms)
A. Child was exposed to cold temperature suddenly after being in hot temperature (i.e., eating and drinking cold things while being hot, entering in too chilled room while being hot, taking cold bath or exposed to rain while being hot, taking bath after running or playing or having sweating).{ARS and Puls}
B. Being overheated i.e. exposed to too high temperature. {ARS, PULS, Sulphur}
C. Got hair cut just before day or two before running nose started. {Bell, NV, puls)
D. Has tried vicksvaporup or any other treatment for this runny nose and cough episode. {ars, Bell, Calc. Carb, Nux, Puls)
E. Right sided nose is running mostly or at present (Ars and Euph).
F. Left sided nose is running mostly or mostly or at present (All-Cepa).
G. Child has runny nose in the morning and daytime only not in evening and night.{NV and Euph}
H. Chid has runny nose in evening {All-Cepa, Puls, and Sulphur)
I. Child has runny nose in both in evening and night (Puls and sulphur).
J. Child has more runny nose in open air (Arsenic Album, Euphrasia, pulsatilla, Sulphur, NV).
K. Child has more runny nose in warm room (Allium Cepa, Merc. Sol, Nux Vomica, Pulsatila)
L. Child has more runny nose in cold room (Merc. Sol.).
M. Symptoms (runny nose and cough) got worse in cold air (Dulcamara, Euphrasia, Merc. Sol.)
N. Weather is windy (Euphrasia and Heper Sulph.)
O. Runny nose and/or cough are worse after eating and feeding (NV).
P. Since has symptoms child's appetite has increased (Allium Cepa and Heper Sulph.)
Q. Child has too much nasal discharge (Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb, Euphrasia, Heper Sulph., Nux Vomica, Pulsatila, Sulphur).
R. Nose and upper lips are get red and painful due to nasal discharge (Arsenic Album, Allium Cepa, Nux Vomica, Calcarea Carb, Heper Sulph., Euphrasia, Merc. Sol., Pulsatila, Sulphur).
S. Nasal discharge is dribbling i.e. nose is running by drops (Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, Euphrasia, Heper Sulph., Merc. Sol., Nux Vomica, and Sulphur).
T. Nasal discharge is thick. (Arsenic Album, Pulsatila, Euphrasia, Allium Cepa, Dulcamara).
U. Nasal discharge is yellow (Calcarea Carb, Heper Sulph., Pulsatila, and Sulphur).
V. Nasal discharge is sticky (Sulphur).
W. Child is drinking much water than normal (NV, Calcarea Carb, Belladonna, Sulphur, and Merc. Sol.).
X. Child is drinking less water than normal (ipecac, pulsatila, Sulphur, Arsenic Album, and Pulsatila).
Y. Child is desiring much clothing, covering and/or warm room; gets irritable/uneasy in cold temperature (Ipecac, NV, Calcarea Carb, Belladonna, Arsenic Album, Heper Sulph.).
Z. Child is sweating excessively too. (Merc. Sol).