Saturday, June 9, 2007

Homeopathic treatment for stammering

Homeopathic treatment:-

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in cases of stuttering. Some of the medicines are given below:

1).Strammonium:- It is the main medicine which is used in homeopathy for stammering. The symptoms are stammering with lack of fluency, patient has to exert himself a long time before he can speak a word, he has to make repeated effort to speak, and the patient is usually talkative, talks incoherently. The other symptoms which may be present are feeling of insecurity, restlessness, nervousness, fear of water, impaired memory, insensitive to pain, indifference, cannot bear to be alone, dread of darkness, water and solitude.

2).Belladonna:- It is used in stammering with difficult speech, with difficult speech, impaired thinking, confusion of mind, weakness of memory and perception; Always talk unintelligibly and wanders easily from one subject to another while talking. It is used in rapid and interrupted speech. The child looks dull, insecure, scared and anxious.

3).Mercurius:- Mercurius is a very important remedy for stammering due to loss of confidence and hesitation. Stammering occurs due to over-excitation and hurriedness. The patient wants to talk but he can’t able to talk and becomes easily embarrassed. The patient is very sensitive to contradiction and gets easily offended. Other symptoms are weakness of memory, loss of will power, slow to learn anything, confusion of mind, etc.

4). Causticum: - This medicine is commonly used for hoarseness of voice and in cases of paralysis of various parts including vocal chords. It is used in stammering due to over-excitement and nervousness.

5). Aconite: - It is used in stammering with sudden onset, arises from shock due to fright.

6). Thuja: - It is used for stammering in patients having lack of self-confidence, reserved nature with timidity, fear of appearing in public, unable to express his/her opinion in public.

7). other medicines are: Nux vom, Selenium, Kali phos, Calc phos, Calc carb, Arg nit, Baryta carb, etc.

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