Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Tip: Have a bath!

Recently, I have been relishing the help and relaxation I get myself from a lovely hot bath! Bathing has always been known to provide a cure for centuries. Whole towns were built around bathing all over Europe and became known as spa-towns. Think of Bath in the UK, and Bad-Salzuflen in Germany. Towns were either by the sea or a lake, or were known to have some curative water-source. People still feel the benefits of being beside water, bathing in water, and make it an automatic feature of their holidays/vacations every year. Water will always play an essential role in health, relaxation and healing. In Ireland, known water-cures came from Holy Wells which prior to Christianity were Sacred Sites. And the practice of attending a sweat-house for relief of one's ailment dates back at least ten centuries in this country. The highest concentration of sweat-houses in Ireland exists in county Leitrim, where I live today. And of course, the uniqueness and efficacy and healing properties of homeopathy reside in its mystery use of dilution in water. There will be more posts on the topic of water in healing later on, but I want to give you some practical tips for your own self, within your own home, to do during Christmas time!

When you feel stressed or emotional or just tense from the hectic pace of work and preparations for the Christmas celebrations HAVE A BATH.

There are various types of baths you can have to address whatever is going on for you. You can use essential oils, bath salts, Bach Flower remedies and homeopathic remedies to achieve your aim and you may also need to adjust the temperature of the water in your bath accordingly
  • For those with pains and aches in muscles and joints:
  • Use Epsom salts or Dead Sea Bath Salts. Bathing with salts containing Magnesium will ease your pains. Magnesium is a natural muscle-relaxant and works against muscle spasms. Minerals are absorbed into the body through the skin.
  • Use Essential Oils such as Clary Sage or Rosemary or Peppermint to relax and ease muscles.
  • One of the best things to try is to add drops of Arnica Tincture directly into the bath. Arnica is the homeopathic remedy that deals with the consequences of over-exertion or strain of any kind. It has anti-inflammatory properties, pain relieving properties and it aids exhaustion and fatigue. An Arnica Bath is one of the best baths you can have if you have been working out, over-exercising, involved in fitness of any kind. But it is also extraordinary for those with pain and inflammation anywhere in the body.
    Even though many people adore hot baths, if you suffer from rheumatism be careful not to have the water too hot. Especially if your house is not well heated. Some people's health does not bear adjustments from cold to hot, and from hot to cold. It is important to avoid a rebound swing to the opposite temperature and avoid all chills. Warm bathing as opposed to hot bathing is more suitable for people who are sensitive to temperature changes.

For those who are stressed and tense, try a Rescue Remedy Bath! Add drops from Bach Rescue Remedy into your bath. The effects are wonderful. Other possibilities are to pick a Bach Flower appropriate to whatever mood or emotion you are caught in.
For relaxation, try Essential Oils as well; either Lavender or Chamomile.
If you are feeling very anxious, try adding the homeopathic remedy of Aconite 30c or Arsenicum Album 30c to the water of your bath. Aconite will also help you if you have just received any bad news or are frightened or nervous. Arsenicum Album will help you if you have many worries, most especially regarding your health and finances.
Do not forget the candles, the scents, and a little drink! An inspiring book will complete the experience.

Make the bath time a ritual. Allow plenty of time, shut yourself off from other people and use it as time-out. Do not have any background noise, radio, television, or even music necessarily. The sound of your breathing and the splash of the water will quieten you down. For women, I recommend bringing a Rose Quartz crystal with you. Place it either in the water or right beside.

Focus on your breathing and imagine that there is light in the water around you.Take your time; only emerge when you are good and ready!

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