Every person is different because the tendences we inherit are different and the factors that influence in are different. Why a normal lady who suddenly felt in the hands of unbeatable depression by loosing her lovable husband and overlooked by her children develops cancer within 7yrs. This is because her inherited tendency was already there but it needed a triggering factor. It is not essential that the problem may come in the same form. The destructive tendencies can take any form in the form of arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc. depending on the weak point and degree of exposure to stress. In homeopathy, a person constitution tells us about the health state, which includes the internal, and external acquired changes plus their temperament. So the medicine is chosen according to the constitution of the person where the remedial picture must match the symptom picture of illness in man. These are generally given between the acute state in order to strengthen the vital force and make it free from inherited problems slowly and steadily. So we say that homeopathy can treat the inherited problems slowly but it is only possible if you fall in the hands of a good homeopath only then.
Think over it.
How are remedies prepared?
You may be said by men that all remedies look same, the same small bottle of sweet pills, how are they different? The medicine is not the sweet pill but the drops that your doctor has added and these drops are different from each other although they look same. Homeopathic remedies are like the allopathic ones do not have the crud state in them. Taken from the crud form, they undergo a state of energizing called potentisation. This process releases energy released in the remedial mixture but a limited amount at each step.
The process of potentisation has two process involved, one is dilution and the other is energizing. Most of remedies that are used in homeopathy are in the state of activeness or even poisonous. To avoid the side effects, they are diluted and to make them powerful they are energized to great degree at each step. So after 60 potency, not even a single molecule of the original substance remains but this does not mean that the remedial action has gone. The base contains the remedial action in its same power and remains preserved for long time, as it is alcoholic in nature. The more it is potentised to energized the more is its strength and depth of action. That is why they can penetrate the energy phase of a body and cure even the inherit tendencies.
Think over it.
Since homeopathy is based on complete person detail, which includes the inherited conditions, also we homeopaths need to have a very close loop that your body, mind & soul, which we call vital force. This can only be done if we take a very detailed history of you and your background.
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1 comment:
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