Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment,Homeopathy, Homeopathic Doctors Delhi

It is said that the state of mind affects the body. Previously many physicians believed that mental health is different from physical being. They used to treat the parts neglecting the mental being of the person. It was the founder of homeopathy itself, Dr. Samuel Christian Fredrick Hahnemann who elaborated on the basic fact of mind and body as integrated part. After 250yrs the modern science has started believing that the body functions is surely affected by the mind of the person. For example when you are sad your appetite decreases, long term grief of more than five years affect the cell metabolism and reproduction causing cancer like conditions. Deep thinking leads to benign conditions of tumors. This is all because it is not only our external environment which acts as stimuli for the diseases but even our internal environment function as triggering factor. Why does every child does not get cold on changing whether and why among them a few only suffer from asthma? These all questions get their answer in this integrated function. This is where homeopathy has a strong edge over the allopathic system of medicines where depression, stress are treated in the person taking him as a whole. Today where the external environment is causing modern life style problems, homeopathy system comes as a bloom to us. So we homeopaths are always ready at your service to cure you at a whole and not to your body parts.

Why to opt for homeopathy
Many people ask why to go for homeopathic system? These following points will give answer to your question-

Mild & gentle- For no reason you can regard homeopathy as a harsh method of treatment. Be whatever be your illness and whatever be its stage, the treatment is always mild gentle. Homeopathic medicines when prescribed correctly produces only that much level of action in the body which is required to render the mind & body disease free. On the other hand even the smallest of the chemical medicines produces some or the other effect which disturbs the normal body function.

Free from side effects- Our treatment is very specific on the bodily constitutions and not on the type of disease; it depends on the mental, physical & regimn of the person. So only that specific medicine is given which the person requires. These specific remedies have one thing positive that they are free from side effects if chosen correctly by a good homeopath.

Cures in genetic inheritance- We all become ill because we have that inherited illness in us. Several members in same family may not suffer from the same illness but if seeing deeply their basis of illness is same, it may be named differently and that is the modern day life cell therapy where the umbilical cord blood is saved for several years to be used by that same person or even its siblings. So until & unless the inheritance basis is corrected, disease can never be cured it can only be treated. Its only homeopathy, which can look deeply at such inheritance and treated. But you should be lucky enough to have eyes of homeopaths for that.

Homeopathic Doctors Delhi, Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi, Homeopathy Clinic in Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors Delhi, Homeopathy Doctors India Delhi,Homeopathy treatment, Homeopathic Treatment Delhi, Amenorhea, Aconite, Ignatia, Angina, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Aconite, Homeopathy, Pulse reading, Allergies,Yoga

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