A completely dedicated service towards homeopathy is aim. Through this pathy we treat not only your acute, chronic but even your herideratary conditions and try to cure them through the completes. Through this pathy we enhance your body self-heeling capability. We touch your energy levels of vital force through the medicinal energy, which is enhanced by the process of potentisation. We have cured cases of arthritis, heart diseases, skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, discoloration, acne, watts, etc., respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc, digestive problems like GERD, liver diseases, intestinal worms infestations, piles, etc., fever diseases like menstrual abnormality, pumers, sist, fibroids, leucorrhoea, etc. We also feel proud to mention that our therapy has taken edge over other pathies in curing mental depression, stress related diseases, parkinsonisn, insomia, dual nature, etc. Due to our holistic and energetic medicine we have capability of curing each and every disease. ?You name it and we treat it?, just that the disease should not be in its too advance stage and not in its incurable form.
Pulse reading
Our team takes it on other homeopaths where many a times you need not even mention the disease and we can tell you the problem of your body by reading the pulse. Pulse reading has been the art in India long period. It is a part of science of ayurveda, which has been practiced in our country from ancient time by various ?Rishis?. Today the science is known to a very few and only these people know about reading the pulse. So here we are at your service to help you in the treatment of service.
No artificial chemicals induced in your body can ever help you to the completest. It can only suspect the disease for some time but can never cure it. Here comes the nature because for every disease nature producers has its . This is the field of naturopathy when without any medicine the disease is treated by natural product around us. But have compared it with homeopathy and both science for hand in hand, both being bared in nature.
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