We often heard about people dying due to cold weather mainly those of homeless. We often donate warm cloths for such homeless and poor peoples, but that is not enough for them as lots of these people suffers from some other diseases causing to have hypothermia. Starvation or inadequate food intake also causes such people to have hypothermia.
Hypothermia is also caused/made worse by some preexisting diseases such as chronic low-grade infections, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, etc and checking and treating these conditions can improve the condition dramatically.
Drinking lots of fluids also helps for low grade infections as well as to hypothermia. After consulting and/or checking thyroid one can start taking thyroid supplements, and taking breakfast early in morning is helpful to fight hypothermia.
Wearing four light warm cloths i.e. undergarment followed by warm inners followed by shirt then woolen jersey followed by any windproof/waterproof jacket is ideal to fight hypothermia. Covering head and neck is crucial too. Nose and face should be covered too as inhaling cold air also causes heat loss from body.
15 Most Useful Homeopathic Medicines For Hypothermia
1. Rhus Tox.
2. Nux. Vomica
3. Arsenic
4. Dulcamara.
5. Nux Moschata.
6. Calcera Carb.
7. Causticum.
8. Silicea.
9. Heper Sulphur.
10. Sepia.
11. Belladonna.
12. Kali-Carb.
13. Aconite.
14. Am-Carb.
15. Aurum Metacullinum.
Any of these medications based on patient's individual problems can be very useful for hypothermia along with measures mentioned above.
Females with hypothermia should use Rhus Tox 30 two times in morning at 1 hour interval, Arsenic Album 30 two times in afternoon and Nux Moschata 30 evening and night. Males with hypothermia should use Rhus Tox 30 two times in morning at 1 hour interval, Arsenic Album 30 two times in afternoon and Nux Vomica 30 evening and night. Please note these homeopathic treatment is quite safe, but should be taken after consulting any local homeopathic doctor.
If you have any question, concern, or experience related to hypothermia and this article, please do not hesitate to share with me.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar (B.H.M.S., N.H.M.C., Lko)
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