Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Allopathic medicine side effect homeopathic antidotes for antibiotics


Adverse Effects of Penicillin

Fever with cold feet. Bell., Cupr-ac.
Wheezing and Pseudoasthmatic attack. Aspidosperma (Quebracho)
When skin eruptions are simultaneouslypresent. Grind.
Anorexia (with Mycin group of drugs likeAureomycin). Abrot.
Peripheral Neuritis. Ant-t.
Brachiaglia Nocturna (with the pronounced symptoms of pins and needles). Sec., Act-s.
Pruritus. Apis and Grind. 10 drops mixed in a cup of milk andapplied locally.
Skin lesions from Penicillin. Agar., Sulph.
Chronic cough after Penicillin. Penicillin 3x or 30, Seneg. 30 or 200.
In cases when Srepto Peniciliin had been used. Streptococcin 30 or Staphelococcin 30 (as an intercurrent remedy.
Heart depressing effects of Penicillin. Ars-a.
Harmful effects of Penicillin. Ars-a., Thuj., Nux-v., Sil.
Specific to counteract the effects of Penicillin. Ars-a.
Diarrhœa from Antibiotics (especially Mycins). Nit-ac.
Allergic reactions to Antibiotics. Sulph., Penicillin, Streptomycin.
Headache due to Streptomycin. Bell.

#. Effects of Chloromycetin: cases of typhoid (where Chloromycetin was given). ----- Chloromycetin 30, 200 or 1M (according to patient’s Constitution). With Placebo for a week. In second week Typhoidinum 200 or 1M (with Placebo for a fortnight).
Intestinal effects of Aureomycin. Aureomycin leaves a very weak liver and severe troublewith the bowels. In this case, a pure constitutional treatment with careful observation of idiosyncrasies is most effective.
#. Effects of Allergy (in general). Ill effects of Penicillin. ----- Carb-v. (Dilutions used: 2x, 3x, 6x, 12x).

1. Contributed by Dr. M. Maureen Dale and Dr. Joel Mandelstam (MS Encarta Encylopædia 2002).
2. Homœopathy and Adverse Reactions of Allopathic Drugs by Dr. Sayeed Ahmad.

Copyright © Dr. Sayeed Ahmad 2004

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